Saturday, March 18, 2017

Batch 153 Pale Lager

6 gallons

8 lbs briess 2 row
1 lb best malz dark Munich
1/4 tsp gypsum


Mash 20 mins 148 df, 50 mins 154 df.

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 5 gr Columbus 14.9%aa, 9 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz mt hood 5.6%aa, 15 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
5 mins 2 oz saaz 2.6%aa, 4 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.050, 90% bhe

Abv est 5.3

Pitch with saflager 34/70 in 1.75 Qts 2-stage starter at 65 df, move to 55 df (one carboy left at 68 df overnight).

Move to rest at 68 df 3/30 pm.  Move back to 60 df 4/2 am.  Drop 5 df per day to 45 df.  4/17 drop to 40 df.  4/19 drop to 35 df.

Bottle 4/22 with 107 gr table sugar, yield 706 oz, 2.3 vols co2.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Batch 152 Porter

4.5 gallons

4.5 lbs briess 2 row
4.5 lbs best malz dark munich
1 lb mfb kiln amber
12 oz mfb cara 120
8 oz tfs brown
2 oz briess dark choc
1/2 tsp soda

SRM 24

mash 148 df 10 mins, 154 df 50 mins

boil 75 mins
60 mins, 7 gr columbus 14.9%aa, 16 IBUs
60 mins, 5 gr german northern brewer 10.5%aa, 8 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 oz mt hood 5.6%aa, 6 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss

OG into fermenter 1.067, 75% bhe

Pitch with w1084 in 3/4 qt starter at 72df, leave at 72 df.

Bottle 3/25 with 103 gr table sugar, yield 624 oz, 2.2 vols co2.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Batch 149 Saison tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours golden gold, firm tall white head that drops back, very clear

Aroma big barnyard, fresh fruit, sweet malt

Mouthfeel thin-moderate body, dry, big carb doesn't annoy

Flavor barnyard with fresh fruit, malt sweetness, pleasant bitterness

Finish nice hop bite at end, dry

Overall don't mess with this, could go back to coriander, but really not needed.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Batch 147 Pils tasting notes


Pours light gold, slight haze, thin coarse white head that drops back

Aroma vinous, almost like wine, simple sweetness

Mouthfeel big carb, light body, almost no tooth here

Flavor kind of butterscotch sweetness, bland, dull.

Finish almost nothing, kind of sweet.

Overall needs diacetyl rest badly, possible oxidation issues, very possibly under-pitched, no tartness or crispness, hops nearly undetectable, just not a good beer.  Choke this one down, don't EVER skip a diacetyl rest again, I don't care how cold you pitch.