Saturday, January 30, 2016

Batch 130 Schwarzbier

5.5 gallons

4.75 lbs best malz pilsner
4.75 lbs best malz dark munich
8 oz MFB cara120
6 oz briess roast barley
2 oz weyermanns choc wheat
1/4 tsp soda

SRM 22

Mash 148 df 30 mins, 156 df 35 mins

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 1/2 oz centennial 10.5 %aa, 18 IBUs
30 mins 1/2 oz centennial 10.5%aa, 14 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
5 mins 1 oz german hallertau 2.7%aa, 2 IBU
34 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.058, 83% bhe

Abv 5.5%

Pitch with w2124 in 1.5 qt 2 stage starter, at 63 df, move to 55 df.

Move to 68 df 2/8 for a rest.  Rack to secondary and return to 55 df on 2/10.  Drop 5 df per day until 35 df for lagering.

Bottle 3/12 with 90 gr table sugar, yield 690 oz, 2.5 vols co2.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Batch 129 IPA

5.25 gallons

5 lbs Muntons Maris Otter
4 lbs Best Malz pils
12 oz MFB cara120
1/2 tsp gypsum

SRM 12

Mash 20 mins 150df, 50 mins 156 df
Over-lautered, 7 gallons into boil (planned for 6)

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 18 gr Chinook 13%aa, 29 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 oz Amarillo 8.4%aa, 7 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
5 mins 1/2 oz each centennial 10.5%aa, Chinook 13%aa, 8 IBUs total
Flameout 1/4 oz Amarillo, 1/2 oz Chinook, 1/2 oz citra 11%aa

47 IBUs

OG 1.055, add 10 oz table sugar to get to 1.060.  77% bhe.

Pitch with S-04 in 2/3 qt starter at 75 df, move to 57df.  Move to 68 df 1/18.

Rack to secondary 1/24, dry hop 1/4 oz Amarillo, 1/2 oz citra, 10 gr Chinook.  Leave at 68 df, drink 12 oz sample.  Move to 60 df 2/2 to try to settle last hops.

Bottle 2/5/16 with 110 gr table sugar, yield 638 oz, 2.5 vols co2.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Batch 124 IPA Tasting Notes


Pours cloudy orange brown, massive fine white head that stays, laces

Aroma tart piney fruit, cat pee/soap, earthy sweet malt beneath

Mouthfeel moderate body, clean

Flavor bitter edge grapefruit, piney satisfying hops, malt sweetness very subtle

Finish hop acid at back, clean

Overall, very good, like fruit punch.  Keep citra out of boil, bump up mash temperature and caramel, Cat pee must be from falconers?

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Batch 128 Porter

4.5 gallons

4.5 lbs muntons Maris otter
3 lbs bm Vienna
1.5 lbs bm dark Munich
12 oz MFB cara120
12 oz MFB kiln Amber
12 oz TFS brown
3 oz weyermanns choc wheat
1/2 tsp soda

SRM 25

Mash 70 mins 153 df

Boil 75 mins
60 mins 1/2 oz Columbus 13.4%aa, 28 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz Willamette 5.1%aa, 16 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
5 mins 1 oz Willamette 5.1%aa, 4 IBUs

48 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.066, 73 % bhe

Pitch with w1084 in 1 qt starter at 75 df, leave at 68 df.

Rack to secondary 1/9/16, leave at 68 df.  Move to 57 df 1/16.

Bottle 1/24 with 60 gr table sugar splash of champagne yeast, yield 614 oz, 2 vols co2.