Thursday, June 15, 2017

Batch 153 Pale Lager tasting notes


Pours dark-pee yellow, slight haze, decent smallish course white head that lingers

Aroma just beer, nice balance of clean hop and malt blended, tangy apple/pear

Mouthfeel pretty thin but still there, very heavy carb cleans up, tart but not sour

Flavor just beer, nice fresh fruit impression, pleasant low-level bitterness balanced well off the simple, muted malt flavor

Finishes clean, slight hop bitterness, refreshing.

Overall, really been sucking these down, this is very good simple beer, yeast tartness is spot on, the 2-row vs pils is noticeable but not a downside, just different.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Batch 156 IPA

6.5 gallons

15 lbs briess 2 row
1 lb mfb kiln amber
1/2 lb mfb cara 120
1 tsp gypsum

SRM 11

Mash 154 df 20 mins, 158 df 40 mins

Boil 60 mins
50 mins 10 gr columbus 14.9%aa, 12 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz centennial 10.4%aa, 20 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz chinook 13.4%aa, 16 IBUs
10 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 1/2 oz each centennial and chinook, 6 IBUs

54 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.075, 81% bhe

Pitch at 75 df with 1 pkg S-04 in 3/4 qt starter.  Leave at 68 df.  Dry hop 1/2 oz each centennial and chinook on 6/22.

Bottle 6/29 with 126 gr table sugar, yield 756 oz, 2.3 vols co2.