Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Batch 238 Octoberfest

5 gallons

10 lbs Prairie Munich
6 oz Special B
no salts

SRM 15

Mash 10 mins 142 df, pull 15% decoction, 148 df for 30 mins, pull 15% decoction, 155 df for 45 mins.

Boil 90 mins

60 mins 1 oz Hallertau Mittelfruh 4.1 %aa, 16 IBUs 
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss 
10 mins 1 oz Hallertau Mittelfruh 4.1 %aa, 6 IBUs 

OG into fermenter 1.055, 80% bhe 

Pitch on 34/70 cake from batch 236 pils at 70 df, leave at 55 df. 

Raise temp to 75 df on 9/25 for rest, back to 55df on 9/27, drop 5df per day, lager at 45df starting 9/29.

Rack to 38 df keg 10/5 with 1 tsp gelatin, carb at 12 psi for 4 days, drop to 8 psi for serving.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Batch 237 APA

5 gallons

10 lbs Paul's pale
8 oz Special B
7 oz Prairie pils
1 tsp gypsum 

SRM 10 

Mash at 148 df 20 mins, 154 df for 50 mins

Boil 65 mins 
60 mins 10 gr Columbus at 16.2%aa, 21 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz Centennial at 10.7%aa, 20 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish Moss
5 mins 1 oz Galaxy at 13.5%aa, 10 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.062, 75% bhe

Pitch with S-04 at 75 df, leave at 70 df.  Keg on 9/25, leave on 12 psi for 4 days, drop to 8 psi for serving.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Batch 236 Galena pils

5 gallons

7 lbs prairie pils 
1 lb prairie munich 
1/2 tsp cacl

SRM 4 

Mash at 144 df for 10 mins, 154 df for 60 mins

Boil 90 mins 
60 mins 7 gr Galena at 12.5 %aa, 14 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss 
5 mins 1.75 oz Galena at 12.5 %aa, 19 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.041 71% bhe

Pitch with 34/70 in 1qt starter at 75df, leave at 55 df.  Add 7 oz Muntons light dme boiled for 15 mins in 1 qt on 9/3 am, OG 1.046ish. 

Move to 75 df for rest on 9/8, back to 55 df on 9/10.  Drop 5 df per day, start lagering at 45 df on 9/12.

Keg on 9/19, leave at 38df on 12 psi for 4 days, drop to 8 psi for serving.