Friday, November 30, 2018

Batch 182 Pilsner tasting notes

Cold from tap

Yellow gold clear, tall white fine head that stays, laces

Smells like slightly sweet grain, curry spice/dishrag

Mouthfeel moderate to light body, carb pops, cleanses

Flavor grainy malt, dishraggy bitterness, hop bitterness with little flavor

Finishes with hint of soapy rag, clean bitterness at the back

Overall something seems a bit soapy, hard to say what it is.  Bad saaz?  Must be some sort of contamination?  Maybe gelatin technique?

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Batch 180 Arrogant Bastard Clone tasting notes

Cold from tap

Pours hazy deep orange with large fine/varied light tan head the laces a lot

Aroma fresh fruit with pine edge, some tropical fruit

Mouthfeel light body clears quickly

Flavor bitter pine up front, odd uneven sweetness underneath, metallic?

Finish pretty clean, some alcohol at end.

Overall something not right here, chinooks not very good this year, cara getting old?  Not enough alcohol balance?  Mash too thick?  Hard to put a finger on it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Batch 179 Baltic porter tasting notes

Cold from tap, first pull of the day

Dark brown with orange around edge, slightly cloudy, tall fine tan head that laces.

Aroma cocoa/toffee

Mouthfeel light to moderate body, coats tongue, some cloy on back of tongue

Flavor solid sweet roast, toffee, bitterness at end, slight spicy hop bitterness in middle

Finish sweet, coating hangs on back of tongue

Overall pleasant sweet balances roast well, alcohol disappears, but still quite a kick, hop flavor could be more forward but bitternness seems correct. 

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Batch 184 Pilsner

5 gallons

7.5 lbs wey flr boh pils
1 lb best malz dark munich
1/2 tsp cacl


Mash 148 df 20 mins, 156 df 50 mins

Boil 90 mins
70 mins 10 gr Columbus 14.5% aa, 22 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 2 oz Saaz 2.8% aa, 5 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.051, 79% bhe

Pitch with 1 pkg saflager 34/70 in 1.5 qt 2-step starter at 65 df, leave at 55 df for primary.

11/27 move to 70 df for rest.  Return to 60 df on 11/30, drop 5 df per day until 45 df, leave to lager.

Rack to keg 12/29, add 1 tsp gelatin, put on 14 psi at 38df.