Saturday, December 19, 2015

Batch 127 Saison

4.5 gallons

6 lbs bm pils
1.5 lbs bm dark Munich
12 oz flaked wheat
1/2 tsp gypsum

Mash 50 mins 146 df, 20 mins 156 df

Boil 120 mins
80 mins 12 oz brown sugar
60 mins 1/2 oz Columbus 13.4%aa, 29 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
15 mins 1 oz hallertau mittelfruh 3.2%aa, 7 IBUs
10 mins 1 tsp ground coriander

36 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.058, 74%bhe

Pitch at 75df with OYL500 in 2/3 qt starter, leave at 75df.  Rack 2/26, bump to 78 df.

Bottle 1/9/16 with 98 gr table sugar, yield 552 oz, 2.3 vols co2.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Batch 126 Pilsner

6 gallons

9.5 lbs best malz pils
4 oz best malz dark Munich
4 oz best malz Vienna
1/4 tsp gypsum

Mash 30 mins at 148 df, 40 mins at 156 df

Boil 90 mins
80 mins 1/4 oz galena 13.8% aa 11 IBUs
80 mins 2.5 oz saaz 2.4%aa, 20 IBUs
1 tsp Irish moss
7 mins 1 oz homegrown centennial, 2 ibus
5 mins 0.5 oz saaz 2.4%aa, 1 IBU
34 IBUs

OG 1.058 into fermenter, 91% bhe

Pitch at 60 df with fresh packet of w2124 in 1-1/2 qt 2 stage starter, move to 55 df.  Add 1/2 gallon water to get to 1.053 OG, 5.1% abv.

12/23 move to 68 df for rest.  Rack 12/25, move to 55 df, drop 5 df per day to get to 35 df for lagering.

1/21 add 1 tsp gelatin heated to 170 df in 1 cup water, leave at 35 df.  Drop to 32 df 1/23.

Bottle 1/24 with 55 gr table sugar and a splash of champagne yeast, yield 708 oz, 2.25 vols co2.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Batch 125 Quad

6 gallons

13 lbs best malz pils
1 lb best malz dark Munich
12 oz MFB cara120
8 oz MFB kiln Amber
2 oz weyermanns choc wheat
2 oz briess roast barley
1/2 tsp cacl

SRM 20

Mash 60 mins 146 df, 152 df 20 mins

Boil 90 mins

70 mins 24 oz brown sugar, 8 oz white sugar
60 mins .75 oz galena 13.8%aa 26 ibus
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
5 mins 1/2 oz falconers flight 9.9%aa 2 IBUs
Flameout 1/2 oz falconers flight

28 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.092, 80% bhe

Pitch at 70 df with 1 pckg w1762 in 1 qt starter, put at 65 df.  Holds at 67, bump to 69 at 16 hrs, 71 at 30 hrs.  Bump to 74 df 12/8.  12/19 move to 70 df.

Bottle 12/23 with 102 gr table sugar, 2.1 vols co2, yield 678 oz.

Re-cap 1/9/16 with 2 conditioning tabs per bottle and champagne yeast.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Batch 122 Saison tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours golden clear, simple fine white head not big but hangs on, big lacing

Aroma nice sweet malt with hints of horse blanket, tropical fruit, earthy

Mouthfeel medium body, slight coating clears up well

Flavor big fruity punch, great balance, malt is met well with fruity yeast and closed out with ideal hop bitterness, almost none of the features are noticeable, its and overall effect.

Finish leaves slight bitter coating, impression of fruit punch cleanliness, nice and dry.

Overall, stay with this, definitely the saison of choice.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Batch 120 Tripel tasting notes

Cellar temp

Massive fine white head that hangs around, nice clear golden color

Aroma soapy, big sweet estery aroma/malt mix, hard to smell line between malt and yeast.  Slight tart fruit.

Mouthfeel, moderate body that cleans up rapidly, no cloy or coating.

Flavor, stone fruit up front followed quickly by earthy/soapy hop bitterness.  Malt flavors largely overpowered.

Finish is somewhat unpleasant, some kind of bitterness that isn't beery, more like dirt.  Otherwise clean.

Overall, yeast seems contaminated with something, otherwise quality beer.  Too much IBUs and not enought malt flavor, probably because yeast is not as dominant as it might be without contamination.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Batch 117 Marzen tasting notes


Pours clear golden orange, very big fine light tan head that stays.

Aroma solid malt with tangy fruity highlights, under-ripe pears.

Mouthfeel light-moderate body, big carb cleans up any cling.

Flavor big melanoidin malt up front, pure hop bitterness (no real hop flavor), not quite enough hops to balance the malt.  Yeast fruitiness/freshness is good but subtle.

Finish nice clean up with carb and hop bitterness, want more.

Overall nice representation, maybe try some chinook for more hop character, add 5 ibus.  Malt bill is good, could reduce mash temperature and drop munich % a bit.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Batch 118 porter tasting notes

Cellar temp

Massive head, many gushers in batch, clear deep brown red, tan head

Aroma malty with sweet chocolate roast, some dirt on top.

Mouthfeel moderate to thick body, plasticy oddness, clingy sweetness

Flavor nice sweet roasty malt, needs more hop punch.

Finish mild astringency and roast bitterness, sweetness cloys some. 

Overall very good Porter, should bump IBUs and late hops, start with fresh yeast.

Batch 124 IPA

4.5 gallons

5 lbs muntons Maris otter
4 lbs best malz pils
10 oz MFB cara120
1/2 tsp gypsum

Mash148 df 20 mins, 156 df 50 mins

Boil 90 mins

60 mins 14 gr Chinook 13%aa, 28 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz homegrown centennial, 23 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
5 mins 1/2 oz citra 12.7%aa, 5 IBUs
Flameout 1/2 oz Chinook 13%aa and 1/2 oz falconers flight 9.9% aa

60 IBUs

OG 1.060 into fermenter, 79% bhe

Pitch with s-04 in 1/2 qt starter at 75 df, leave at 65 df.

Rack to secondary 11/29, dry hop 1/2 oz citra, 1/2 oz falconers, 10 gr Chinook.  Return to 65 df, basement drops to 62 df.

Bottle 12/9 with 68 gr table sugar, 2.1 vols co2, yield 504 oz.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Batch 119 IPA tasting notes


Pours milky orange brown, big fine tan head that builds and stays

Bright fruity aroma with hints of pine, malt in background

Mouthfeel low moderate body, cleans up fast, no cling or cloy

Flavor bitter fruit punch, big fruity hop flavor up front, bitterness hits fast, shy on malt interest although some mild sweetness does persist/work off hops.  Alcohol is apparent way at end, very well balanced.

Finishes very clean and refreshing, leaves pleasant hop bitterness, strong but you don't notice on the palate.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Batch 123 Russian Imperial Stout

7 gallons

8 lbs best malz pils
7 lbs muntons Maris otter
24 oz briess roast barley
20 oz weyermanns choc wheat
12 oz flaked wheat
1/4 tsp soda

SRM 40

Mash 1 hr 150 df

Boil 120 mins
90 mins 2 oz galena 13.8%aa, 63 IBUs
70 mins 2.5 oz homegrown Willamette, 15 IBUs
10 mins 2 lbs white table sugar
5 mins 1 oz homegrown centennial 2 IBUs

80 IBUs

OG after boil 1.092, add 1.5 lbs brown sugar to get to 1.102 into fermenter, 81% bhe

Pitch with fresh w1084 in 1.5 qt 2-stage starter, put at 70 df.  Ramps itself up to 78 df in 1-1/2 days, massive foam and heavy krausen, banana aroma.

Rack to secondary 11/14, dry hop with 1 oz falconers flight.  Leave at 70 df.  Bump to 75 df 11/18.

Bottle 11/29 with 100 gr table sugar, yield 756 oz, 2 vols co2.

Re-cap 1/9/16 with two priming tabs per bottle plus champagne yeast.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Batch 122 Saison

4.5 gallons

6 lbs avangard pils
1.5 lbs best malz dark Munich
12 oz flaked wheat
1/2 tsp gypsum


Mash 146 df 50 mins, 156 df 20 mins

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 12 oz brown sugar
45 mins 1/2 oz Columbus 15.4%aa, 30 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz homegrown Willamette, 5 ibus
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
10 mins 1/8 oz toasted coriander

OG 1.059 into fermenter, bhe 75%

Pitch with fresh 1/2 envelop of OYL500 in 1/3 qt starter, leave at 75df.

Rack to secondary 10/31, move to 79 df.

Bottle 11/14 with 89 gr table sugar, 2.2 vols co2, 540 oz.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Batch 121 Vienna

6 gallons

10.5 lbs best malz Vienna
1/4 tsp gypsum


Mash 15 mins 146df, 55 mins 152df.

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 7 gr Columbus 15.4%aa, 14 ibus
45 mins 4 gr Chinook 13%aa, 6 IBUs
30 mins 7 gr homegrown liberty, 2 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 oz strisselspalt 3.0%aa, 3 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss

25 IBUs

OG 1.053 into fermenter, 82% bhe

Pitch at 68 df with 1-1/2 qt starter w2278 (starter run at room temp, not cooled down before pitch).  Leave at 55 df for primary.

Rack to secondary 10/22, rest at 68df.  Move to 55 df 10/25, drop 5 df per day until 35df, lager at 35 df.

Bottle 11/29 with 45 gr table sugar, yield 684 oz, 2.2 vols co2.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Batch 120 Tripel

4.5 gallons

9.25 lbs avangard pils
12 oz best malz dark Munich
12 oz flaked wheat
1/2 tsp cacl

Mash 150 df 70 mins

Boil 90 mins

60 mins 7 gr Columbus 15.4%aa, 14 IBUs
30 mins 12 oz brown sugar 12 oz white sugar
15 mins 1.5 oz strisselspalt, 9 IBUs

23 ibus

OG into fermenter 1.078, 70% bhe

Pitch at 70 df with w1214 in 3/4 qt starter, move to 65 df chamber, full krausen at 16 hrs.  Step up 2 df per day to 74 df.  Rack 10/2, leave at 74 df.

Bottle 10/15 with 99 gr table sugar, 2.35 vols co2, yield 552 oz.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Batch 119 IPA

4.5 gallons

4.5 lbs Muntons Maris otter
4 lbs avangard pils
8 oz MFB cara120
1 tsp gypsum

SRM 11

Mash 10 mins @ 146 df, 10 mins @ 148 df, pH 4.6, 50 mins 156 df

Boil 90 mins
1 oz northdown 9.4%aa added continuously 60 to 30 mins, 35 IBUs
14 gr Simcoe 12.3%aa and 7 gr Chinook 13%aa added continuously 30 to 0 mins, 19 IBUs
14 gr Simcoe 12.3%aa and 7 gr Chinook 13%aa added at flameout, 3 IBUs

57 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.064, add 40 oz water to get to 1.060, 80% bhe

Abv est 5.8%

Forgot Irish moss, heat 1 tsp in 1/4 cup water in microwave 2 mins, add to fermenter at pitch.

Pitch at 70 df with s-04 in 1/2 qt starter, add 1 packet dry s-04, leave at 64 df.

Rack to secondary 9/18.  Dry hop 7 gr Simcoe 9/25.

Bottle 10/2 with76 gr table sugar, 2.1 vols co2, yield 516 oz.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Batch 116 Saison tasting notes

Cold (gushes at cellar/room temp)

Deep gold pretty hazy, huge coarse white head that billows

Aroma soapy dishrag, slightly sour at end

Mouthfeel medium body, heavy carb, very dry

Flavor bitter dirt, soap, hops hide any hint of malt, remote hint of horse blanket mixed with sweet tarts

Finish hop bitter, dry

Overall yeast is bad, already pitched it, drink this as cold as possible, if you can handle it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Batch 114 Pilsner tasting notes


Pours light gold clear, slight haze, even lively white head that drops back to a thin layer, laces nicely.

Aroma bright hop crispness over mild malt bitterness, a little corn

Mouthfeel clean and bright, light-med body with no cling

Flavor pleasant hop spice bitterness without cloying or dominating, sweet malt flavor balances well, but carries a little corn with it.

Finish very clean hop bitterness, quite refreshing

Overall a hop-bitter balanced beer without much hop flavor/aroma, malt balances well, unsure if corn is from cheapo pils or fermentation.  Try with better pils and no diacetyl rest, pitch at lower temp.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Batch 113 Pious Quad tasting notes

Cellar/room temp

Pours deep brown, hazy, big coarse tan head that drops back rapidly, hangs on thinly for a while, no lacing.

Aroma sweet bread/malt, mid-range esters cover slight booze, earth hop edge at back is soapy.

Mouthfeel medium to heavy body, sweet coating, heavy carb does some clean up, but it still clings pretty good.

Flavor hop bitterness without aroma or flavor, makes yeastiness seem almost soapy, malt sweetness is almost an afterthought here, no roast or nut really apparent, despite color.  Alcohol warmth apparent.  Mid range esters mainly, fighting too hard with the hop bitterness.

Finish, hop bitterness and alcohol, with yeasty hints.

Overall, way too much hops here, yeast not showcased well.  Too strong.  Shouldn't go beyond tripel with Belgians any more,  Maybe try a third trappist yeast?

Monday, September 7, 2015

Batch 115 Pliney Dark tasting notes


Orange red, very cloudy, fine tan head that stays, billows some

Aroma hawaiian punch sweet and fruity, but hop bitterness at the end with pine

Mouthfeel, chewy, toothy but big carb, clingy sweetness at end

Flavor big hop bitterness over everything, then it's a fruit punch underneath, pear sweetness with bright tropicals/pineapple, some pine mixed in.

Finish, clingy but hop bitterness certainly dominates the finish, leaves tongue bitter on the edges, yet somehow quenched and ready for more.

Overall, ridiculous hopness overpowers the sweet malt, but this is the limit of how sweet the malt can get without over-cloying.  Basically, this only works if you are a hop fiend, and you can filter it at bottling.  Drop the ABV, the cara, and play nicer with the hops, and you have satisfying beer.  This is over the top, definitely not worth the hop investment.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Batch 118 Porter

4.5 gallons

4.5 lbs muntons Maris Otter
3 lbs best malz Vienna
1.5 lbs best malz dark Munich
3/4 lb MFB  cara120
3/4 lb MFB kiln Amber
3/4 lb tfs brown
3 oz weyermann choc wheat
1/2 tsp soda

Mash 70 mins 152 df

Boil 75 mins
60 mins 7 gr Columbus 15.9%aa, 16 IBUs
60 mins 14 gr Simcoe 12.3%aa, 24 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
10 mins 2 oz homegrown Willamette, 8 IBUs

48 IBUs

OG 1.073 into fermenter, add 48 oz water to get to 1.068, 74% bhe

Abv est 6.7%

Pitch with w1084 in 1 qt starter at 70 df, leave at 66 df.

Rack to secondary 9/6/15, leave at 66 df.

Bottle 9/25 with 85 gr table sugar, yield 516 oz, 2.3 vols co2.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Batch 110 Scottish 80 tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours very hazy orange, almost gusher, giant tan head that stays, laces big.

Aroma, hard to tell with carb, mainly just soap

Mouth feel, dirty, medium body, mild dry-out astringency

Flavor smoke smoke smoke, just heavy smoke.  Some malt sweetness in there, hop bitterness at the end.

Finish, smokey, some malt sweetness.

Overall, way too much peated malt, over the top domination.  Hard to tell if W1469 is OK or not, probably ok, but its so slow to finish, probably should just pitch.  Never made a good beer.

Batch 112 Wit Tasting notes


Yellow gold, even light haze, big fine white head that stays put.

Aroma pleasant spice hops, slight sweet/soapy malt.

Mouthfeel very light body, big carb cleanup, no cling at all.

Flavor hard to describe, not really beery, light phenolic fruit presence, sits on pleasant light hop flavor, very subtle sweet malt/coriander backbone, refreshing and clean.

Finishes very clean, subtle even-keeled bitterness.

Overall, NO MORE ORANGE PEEL, this is the wit you always dreamed of, delicious well balanced very subtle.  Summer go-to beer.  No suggestions for improvement.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Batch 111 SAB tasting notes


Pours red, notable haze, big tan head

Aroma effervescent pine

Mouthfeel, medium body, cleans right up

Flavor bitter, pine balanced against malt sweet, pretty close to AB.

Finish hop bitter clean

Overall, same as always, good standard beer for me.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Batch 109 Dunkel Tasting Notes


Pours deep amber orange, light tan head that's not too big, coarse, but persists to the bottom, minimal lacing.  Fairly clear, but starch haze apparent.

Aroma bright with earthy hops, soapy bitterness, sweet malt way underneath that is nutty.

Mouthfeel bright from carbonation, cloyingly clingy, but still a light-moderate body.

Flavor too much of some sort of bitterness, malt?, yeast seems soapy/off, malt bitterness not pleasant or well balanced, too sweet as it warms.

Overall, this is much more like a nut brown than a lager.  Is W2633 gone bad?  Could be the hops.  Not so different from Sam Smith nut brown, maybe go with english hops in roughly similar amounts, malt bill is close, reduce carbonation, lagering the cara120 is the key.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Batch 117 Marzen

5 gallons

6.5 lbs best malz dark Munich
2.5 lbs avangard pils
1/2 tsp cacl


Mash 70 mins 152 df

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 9 gr German northern brewer 9.6%aa, 12 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
10 mins 26 gr centennial 8.4%aa, 12 IBUs

24 IBUs

OG 1.054, add 48 oz water to get to 1.050, abv est 5.0%.  81% bhe.

Chill overnight after aerating, pitch with w2633 in 1-1/2 qt 2 stage starter at 55 df.

Rack to secondary 9/2/15, drop 1 df per day until 35 df on 9/25.

Bottle 10/9 with 92 gr table sugar, 2.5 vols co2, yield 664 oz.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Batch 116 Saison

3 gallons

2 lbs muntons Maris otter
2 lbs avangard pils
1 lb best malz dark Munich
8 oz flaked wheat
1/2 tsp gypsum


Mash 50 mins 146 df, 20 mins 156 df

Boil 75 mins
60 mins 9 gr German northern Brewer 9.6%aa, 19 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz mt hood 5.6%aa, 18 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 tsp Irish moss soaked for 1 week
15 mins 8 oz brown sugar
15 mins 8 gr cracked toasted coriander

OG into fermenter 1.059, 75% bhe

Pitch with OYL500 in 2/3 qt starter, put at 75 df.

Bottle 7/22 with 85 gr table sugar, yield 348 oz, 2.9 vols co2.  Sample tastes tart.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Batch 115 Pliney Dark

3 gallons

6 lbs 10 oz Munton's Maris Otter
9.6 oz MFB caramel 120
1/2 tsp gypsum

SRM 16

Mash 70 mins @ 152 df, pH 4.6

Boil 90 mins
90 mins 1.75 oz Columbus 15.9%aa 182 IBUs?
45 mins 10.5 gr Columbus 15.9%aa 29 IBUs?
30 mins 1/2 oz Simcoe 12.3%aa 29 IBUs?
Flameout 1/2 oz Centennial 8.7%aa
Flameout 1-1/4 oz Simcoe 12.3%aa

240 IBUs?

OG into fermenter 1.066, 73% bhe, add 6 oz sugar to get 1.072.

Pitch with w1084 in 2/3 qt starter at 67 df, leave at 67 df.

Rack to secondary 7/3, dry hop with 1/2 oz each Simcoe, Centennial, Columbus.  Leave at 68 df.

Dry hop 3.5 gr each Columbus, Centennial, Simcoe 7/13.  

Bottle 7/17 with 80 gr table sugar, yield 336 oz, 2.9 vols co2.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Pending beers to make

Pending schedule

PQ to bottle 6/19
Pils to start lagering around 7/4, lager until 8/21
6/27 Pliney the Elder Clone with W1084, bottle 7/16
7/4 Saison, bottle 7/23
Vacation 7/23-8/15
8/22 Start Oktoberfest
8/29 Porter(?) with W1469

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Batch 114 Pilsner

5 gallons

8 lbs avangard pils
1/2 lb best malz Vienna
1/4 lb best malz dark Munich
1 tsp gypsum


Mash 150 df 70 mins

Boil 90 mins

60 mins 10 gr German northern Brewer 9.6%aa, 14 IBUs
60 mins 10 gr sorachi ace 11.9%aa, 17 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
5 mins 1-1/2 oz hallertau mittelfruh 3.2%aa, 4 IBUs

35 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.058 at 4.5 gals, add 1/2 gal water to get 1.052 at 5 gals, 79% bhe.

Pitch @ 60 df with w2278 in 2 Qts 2 stage starter, leave at 55 df.

Rack to secondary 6/24, rest at 68 df for 2 days, move to 65 df chamber 6/26.  Drop 5 df per day until 40 df.

Bottle 8/19 with 95 gr table sugar, yield 624 oz, 2.7 vols co2.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Batch 107 Stout tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours very deep red, clear, big tan foam that effervesces, stays, laces

Aroma dark caramel chocolate, hint of coffee, subtle earth hop

Mouthfeel, moderate to heavy, roasty coating, carb is too lively

Flavor coffee roast mainly with slight sweet malty edge, light astringency around the edges but not overwhelming or annoying.  Nice crisp bitterness at end.

Finish, roasty coating cut by hop bitterness.

Overall, more of a robust porter than a stout, really lacking the tooth/depth of a stout.  Fairly pleasant, but has an odd edge on the roast, hard to pinpoint, possibly dirty yeast, more likely just the roast flavors.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Batch 106 Witbier tasting notes


Pours hazy light yellow, moderate white head, steady carb flowing

Light malt aroma, orange peel, sweet spice

Mouthfeel light and tingly, very light body, slight coating at end

Flavor big citrus up front, earthy dirty in the middle snuffs out malt flavor, strong bitter edge at back not necessarily hops, more orange peel.

Finish orange peel bitterness.

Overall, very similar to last 2 efforts, I think yeast needs to be pitched.  Needs more body and hop flavor.  Orange peel is annoying.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Batch 113 Pious Quad

4.5 gallons

9.75 lbs Avangard Pils
12 oz best malz dark munich
9 oz MFB caramel 120
6 oz MFB kiln amber
2 oz weyermanns choc wheat

SRM 17

Mash 150 df for 30 mins, 154 for 40 mins

Boil 80 mins
60 mins 4 gr warrior 16.95%aa, 8 IBUs
60 mins 1.5 gr sorachi ace 11%aa, 2 IBUs
40 mins 12 oz white table sugar, 6 oz brown sugar
20 mins 1 oz centennials, 9%aa, 18 IBUs
5 mins 3/4 tsp irish moss

28 IBUs

OG est 1.083, not measured

Pitch with 1 packet of w1214 3 hours into starter, at 65 df, put in 65 df chamber.  Seems under pitched. No activity in 24 hours, bump to 69 df, get good activity at 36 hours.  Bump up 2 df per day to get to 75 df.

Bottle 6/24 with 90 gr table sugar, 2.2 vols co2, yield 528 oz.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Batch 108 Saison Tasting Notes

Cellar temp

Pours clear gold color, healthy light tan head that drops back, some big bubbles

Aroma thick malt with esters, wet hay behind, slight brightness

Mouthfeel crisp and dry, some body noticeable, but pretty clean

Flavor, big pleasant malt upfront, subtle yeast phenolics and esters blended nicely, solid balanced  bitterness, very subtle earthy barny at the end.

Finish clean with hop bitterness, pretty crisp.

Overall, very good beer.  OYL500 is morphing a bit, more into a belgian than a saison yeast.  Still, good for another use in this application: delicious stuff.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Batch 102 Schwartzbier tasting notes


Pours opaque black, orange brown at edges, very clear, nice manageable tan head that drops back, stays around rim

Aroma roast malt, balanced off curry/spicy hops

Mouthfeel light roast malt coating, but light body and cleans up well

Flavor roast bitterness without astringency, hop bitterness meets it for nice balance, not really malty at all.

Finish, clears with roast note, then hop bitterness lingers beyond.

Overall, best roasty beer yet, flavorful yet refreshing, could bring forward malt flavor and drop back on dark malt.  Could increase sweetness, but hop level correct.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Batch 112 wit

3 gallons

3.5 lbs avangard pils German
2.25 lbs flaked wheat
6 oz best malz vienna
1/2 tsp cacl


Mash 130 df 10 mins, 148 df 30 mins, 154df 40 mins

Boil 75 mins
60 mins 3 gr sorachi ace 11.9%aa, 8 ibus
10 mins 1/2 oz hallertau mittelfruh 3.2%aa, 4 IBUs
10 mins 8 gr crushed toasted coriander

12 IBUs

Og into fermenter 1.052 @ 3.2 gallons, 74% bhe

Pitch with fresh pack of w3944 sitting in starter wort 2 weeks, start primary at 65 df.  Rack to secondary 5/29, move to chamber and step up 2 df per day until 75 df.

Bottle 6/12 with 80 gr table sugar, 2.9 vols co2, yield 350 oz.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Batch 105 Tripel tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours clear golden, substantial white head that stays, laces better than grandma.

Aroma fruity fruit, apples on bananas, nice malt base, hops lend the tartness to the apple/pear aroma, slight earthy hop edge.  Almost liqueur.

Mouthfeel thicker than it looks, full feel upfront that cleans up rapidly, crisp finishing

Flavor nice sweet yeasty flavor with banana bias, hop/malt balance in background works well, can tell it is strong, but not boozy.

Finishes surprisingly pleasant and crisp without coating or cloying, definitely want more, some heat at the back.

Overall, another winner with the w1214, could bias the fermentation a little cooler to control the esters and bring out more phenolics.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Batch 103 nut brown tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours nice clear orange amber, ample light tan head that falls back slowly, billowy, lace-o-rama.

Aroma heavy spice like cumin, light earth tones, big sweet malt

Mouth feel nice tooth, big carb, cleans up moderately, some cling

Flavor spice jumps up front, cumin/malt blend is in front, nice malt backbone, earthy hops at the end

Finish, sweet malt gets cleared by carb, leaving dirt flavor, sweet impression

Overall, very nice interpretation here, not really nutty, but pleasant.  Could drop the Cara120 by an ounce or two, cut the Willamette with mt hoods.  IBUs are OK, could bump a tad, but not more than 10%.  Yeast character is neutral, works here with spicy hops.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Batch 104 ipa tasting notes


Pours bright orange, cloudy, big white head that stays put, billows.

Aroma heavy spice like cumin, with mild sweetener.

Mouth feel, light to medium body, clean, cleansing.

Flavor bitter spice, almost cumin, a bit bitter, pleasant dry malt backbone, hop bitter finish but not too intense.

Overall, too much Chinook and Amarillo, not enough centennial, malt is good, could try gelatin to get a true clone, maybe a pinch of light caramel.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Batch 96 Oak Barrel RIS tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours opaque black, big brown head that dies back, clings to edge, laces well

Aroma big bright hop aroma from 1 ft away, close up roasted red wine, stone fruit, malt and a little booze in the background.

Mouth feel, chunky but cleans up very fast, pleasant.

Flavor, big roast without cloying astringency, bitter fruit, woody undertones, booze smothered in hops.

Finish, hop cleansing clears out palate, want more.

Overall, elegant very strong beer, hop balance against alcohol is good, roast/wood flavor goes along for the ride.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Batch 111 SAB clone

Brewing assistance by George Burgi

4.5 gallons

5 lbs muntons Maris otter
5 lbs Avangard German pils
14 oz MFB Cara 120
1 tsp gypsum

SRM 15

Mash 130 df 10 mins, 80 mins 152 df

Boil 75 mins
60 mins 3/4 oz Chinook 13.0%aa, 35 IBUs
20 mins 3/4 oz Chinook 13.0%aa, 22 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
10 mins 3/4 oz Chinook 13.0%aa, 13 IBUs
Flameout, 1 mins, 3/4 oz Chinook, 3 IBUs

73 IBUs

Og into fermenter 1.072, 79% bhe

Abv est 7.2%

Pitch with s-04 in 3/4 qt starter at 60 df, leave at 60 df.  Decent activity at 20 hours, full krausen at 36 hours.

Bottle 5/14 with 110 gr table sugar, 2.8 vols co2, yield 550 oz.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Batch 110 Scottish 80

3 gallons

4.5 lbs TFS golden promise
1/2 lb MFB kiln amber
1/4 lb TFS peated malt
1/4 lb MFB Cara 120
No salts

SRM 11

Mash 10 mins 122 df, 70 mins 156 df

Boil 60 mins
45 mins 1/2 oz sterling 9% aa, 24 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 tsp Irish moss

24 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.055, 88% bhe

Pitch with w1469, 65 df, move to 65 df chamber.  Full krausen at 24 hours.

Rack to secondary 4/18, return to 65 df.  On 4/24, start reducing temp by 3-4 df per day until get to 55 df.

Bottle 5/8 with 40 gr table sugar, 2.0 vols co2, yield 360 oz

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Batch 101 Saison Tasting Notes

Cellar temp

Pours very clear, generous off white head, deep golden, head billowy, stays put, laces

Aroma light floral fragrance, touch of citrus, earthy hay, touch of malt

Mouthfeel more toothy than it looks, moderate body, but cleans up well with hop/carb combo

Flavor gentle floral hops up front, substantial horsy punch, malt bitterness follows and closes with hop cleansing

Finish slightly heavy hop bitterness, but cleanses nicely and malt balance is somewhat there.

Overall, OYL500 delivers again, nice overall beer, good hop selection, could reduce bittering a tad, not more than 5 ibus.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Batch 99 wit tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours clear, light gold, perfect white head that billows and stays

Aroma soapy, firm malt, savory spice

Mouth feel very light, clear, cleans up quick, almost watery

Flavor light malt, soapy orange, bitterness that's not hoppy, nominal yeast character.

Finish, orange peel bitter.

Overall, not pleasant, needs more body, more yeast character, less orange.

Batch 109 Dunkel

5.5 gallons

4.75 lbs avangard German pils
3 lbs best malz dark Munich
1 lb best malz Vienna
3/4 lb MFB caramel120
No salts

SRM 13

Mash 10 mins 122 df, 30 mins 146 df, 40 mins 156 df

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 5 gr warrior 16.95%aa, 11 IBUs
15 mins 14 gr sterling 8%aa, 7 IBUs
No Irish moss

18 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.055, 87% bhe.

Pitch with w2633 in 1.75 qt 2 step starter at 59 df, put at 55 df.

Rack 4/18, rest at 68 df 2 days.  Return to 55 df 4/20, start turning down 2 df per day on 4/22. lager at 45 df.

Bottle 6/12 with 95 gr table sugar, 2.5 vols co2, yield 700 oz.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Batch 108 Saison

3 gallons

2 lbs muntons Maris otter
2 lbs TFS golden promise
1 lb best malz dark Munich
8 oz flaked wheat
1/2 tsp gyp

SRM 7 w/sugar

Mash 50 mins 146 df, 20 mins 156 df

Boil 75 mins
60 mins 5 gr warrior 16.95% aa 19 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz mt hood 5.5% aa 17 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 tsp Irish moss
10 mins 8 oz brown sugar
10 mins 8 gr cracked toasted coriander

36 IBUs

Og into fermenter 1.059, 80% bhe at 3.2 gals

Abv est 6.0%

Pitch with OYL500 in 3/4 qt starter at 72 df, leave at 72 df.  Full krausen at 74 df at 17 hrs, bump chamber to 75 df.

Note - reclaimed yeast mis-labeled as W1469, keep an eye on it.  3/12 smells like saison, rack to secondary, bump chamber temp to 75 df.  Move to 66 df 4/11.

Bottle 4/18 with 56 gr table sugar, yield 360 oz, 2.2 vols co2

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Batch 100 Porter tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours very dark red, clear, healthy light tan head that stays, laces a lot

Aroma crisp hops from effervescence, earthy hops over roast/smoke malt, spice chocolate at end of glass

Mouth feel,  somewhat toothy, cleans up OK, hops and malt even out at end

Flavor sweet slight smoke malt, like smoky bitterness, roast comes forward chocolaty, hop bitterness is right there to meet roast, but sweetness stays forward.  Unique.

Finish slight hop balance at end, mostly bitterness, although chocolate lingers. 

Overall, very interesting beer, could back off hop bitterness, and move towards hop flavoring later in boil.  Cara really cuts roast flavors here, malt mix is very good.  Yeast takes a while to finish, but nice and clean overall. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Batch 97 Dubbel tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours deep red, very clear, small light tan head that stays

Aroma tropical fruit, dirt, Indian spice, a tad boozy

Mouth feel pretty toothy, nice mouthful without clinging

Flavor banana up front, stone fruit, roast malt rounds out yeast, bitter/alcohol warmth at end

Finish very nice balance just enough hop bitterness and carb to clean up nicely

Overall, fine beer but fermentation temp went too high in primary.  Hops/grains/yeast are quality combo, but heavy banana esters and fusels are a problem. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Batch 94 Oktoberfest tasting notes


Pours nice orange, pretty cloudy, small fine tan head that clings at edge

Aroma tart fruit, apples, sweet malt in background, grainy

Mouth feel clean upfront, but cloys a bit at finish

Flavor grainy melanoiden, solid bitterness at end, malty with hop bitter at end. 

Finish cloyingly bitter.

Overall hard to say if graininess is too much hops or just the way the Munich works.  Try cutting with pils, fewer IBUs, and move hops further back in the boil.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Batch 107 Stout

3 gallons

3.5 lbs muntons Maris otter
1 lb TFS golden promise
1 lb meet malz dark Munich
8 oz briess roast barley
8 oz flaked wheat
6 oz MFB caramel120
1/4 tsp soda

SRM 38 with steeped barley

Steep 8 oz briess roast barley in cold water 2 hrs, add to mash at lauter

Mash 20 mins 150 df, 50 mins 156 df

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 3.3 gr Columbus 15.2%aa, 3 gr warrior 16.95%aa, 21 IBUs
30 mins 1/2 oz northdown 7.9%aa, 17 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 oz northdown 7.9%aa, 11 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 tsp Irish moss
10 mins 50 gr lactose
49 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.062, 3.3 gals, 79% eff (74% with steeped barley included)

Pitch at 68 df with w1084 in 2/3 qt starter, leave at 66 df.  Pushes up to 70 df at 18 hrs.  Leave at 66 df for primary.

Rack to secondary 3/6, leave at 66 df.

Bottle 4/10 with 50 gr table sugar, 2.0 vols co2, yield 360 oz.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Batch 106 Witbier

3 gallons

3.16 lbs dinge pils
2.25 lb flaked wheat
3/4 lb TFS golden promise
6 oz best malz Vienna
1/4 tsp cacl

Mash 10 mins 130df, 70 mins 148 df.

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 3 gr sorachi ace 11.9%aa, 8 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 tsp Irish moss
10 mins spice mix, 8 gr toasted crushed coriander and 3 gr dried bitter orange peel
5 mins 5 gr sorachi ace 11.9%aa, 3 ibus
11 IBUs

Og 1.051 at 3.2 gallons, 70% bhe

Abv est 5.0%

Pitch with 6 gr sorachi ace 11.9%aa dry, w3942 in 1/2 qt starter at 72 df, leave at 72 df.  Up to 78 df in 18 hrs, drop to 70 df.  Still at 78 df at 28 hrs, drop to 68 df.  Tuesday morning back to 72 df, leave at 72 df.

Rack to secondary 2/27, leave at 72 df.

Bottle 3/12/15 with 80 gr table sugar boiled with zest of a tangerine, 2.9 vols co2, yield 366 oz.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Batch 105 Tripel

3 gallons

6.5 lbs dingemann's pilsner
1/2 lb flaked wheat
1/2 lb best malz dark munich
1/4 tsp cacl

Mash at 150 df 70 mins, pH 4.6

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 3 gr columbus 15.2%aa, 9 IBUs
30 mins 3 gr warrior 16.95%aa, 8 IBUs
20 mins 8 oz brown sugar plus 8 oz white table sugar
15 mins 1 oz strisselspalt 2.8%aa, 8 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 tsp Irish moss
25 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.080 at 3.2 gallons, 76% bhe

Pitch at 65 df with W1214 in 1 qt starter (started cool, not much activity before pitching), leave at 65 df to start.  No activity in 18 hrs, bump to 68 df.  Full krausen at 40 hrs, bump to 70 df. Bump to 72 df at 50 hours.  Bump to 74 df at 58 hours.  Climbs to 78 df for a day or two (big banana smell) before dropping back to 72 df.

Rack to secondary 2/21, leave at 72 df.

Bottle 3/6 with 75 gr table sugar, 360 oz yield, 2.5 vols co2.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Batch 98 IPA Tasting notes


Pours cloudy orange with big foamy head that billows, stays

Aroma sour fruit hops, green blueberries or apples or pears, some pie crust malt beneath

Mouth feel medium body, bright carbonation, hops cloy a bit

Flavor green/grassy floral hops, sharp hop bitterness, subtle malt sweetness in the middle, hop bittering at end.

Finishes on the hop bitterness, no malt nothing, slight hop flavor.

Overall, not very satisfying, hops are green here and tending towards bitter, 2 weeks ago it was more refreshing, malt bill needs more interest, ie caramel.  Maybe avoid dry hopping, try flameout instead.

Pending beers to make

Next up:  Belgian tripel

After that, where to go?

Yeast use in reverse:

OYL500 (may be bad)

So the next up should be a Wit, but I have quite a bit in stock.  After that, stout, saison, english brown, hoppy beer, then back to the top.  Somewhere need to work in a dunkel.

2/14 - Tripel
2/21 - Witbier
2/28 - Stout
3/7 - Saison
3/14-21 Out of town
3/28 - Dunkel
4/4 - Nut Brown or Scottish
4/11 - SAB clone or IPA

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Batch 104 Revolution Anti-hero IPA Clone

3 gallons

3.75 lbs muntons Maris otter
3 lbs TFS golden promise
1/2 lb MFB kiln amber
1 tsp gypsum

Mash 130 df 10 mins, 152 df 70 mins, pH <4.6

Boil 75 mins
30 mins 7 gr warrior 16.95%aa, 19 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 tsp Irish moss
10 mins 1/2 oz Chinook 11.4%aa, 12 IBUs
10 mins 1/2 oz Amarillo 8.2%aa, 9 IBUs
10 mins 1/2 oz centennial 9.2%aa, 10 IBUs
Flameout: same Chinook, Amarillo, centennial, for 5 mins, 20 IBUs
70 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.068, 3.2 gals 78% bhe

Abv est 6.4%

Pitch with s-04 in 1/2 qt starter at 66 df, leave at 66 df for primary.  Runs up to 75 df in 30 hrs, put at 64 df to slow down, finish primary at 66 df.  Rack to secondary 2/13, leave at 66 df.

Bottle 2/27 with 75 gr table sugar, yield 336 oz, 2.75 vols co2.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Next beer

Something hoppy, almost out of IPA.

Rev anti hero clone?  Worth a try.

Batch 103 Nut Brown

3 gallons

5 lbs 2 oz muntons Maris otter
6 oz MFB caramel120
No salts
SRM 12

Mash 130 df 10 mins, 151 df 70 mins

Boil 75 mins
60 mins 5 gr columbus 15.5%aa, 17 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 tsp Irish moss
5 mins 1 oz Willamette 4.7%aa, 6 IBUs
23 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.054 at 3.2 gallons, 83% bhe.
Abv est 4.9
Pitch at 66 df with w1469 in 2/3 qt starter, leave at 66 for primary.  Rack to secondary 2/6, leave at 66 df.

Bump to 72 df 2/20/ bottle 2/21 with 57 gr table sugar, yield 348 oz, 2.2 vols co2.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Batch 95 HG centennial stout tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours big tan head, black with brown edges, foam stays, billows

Aroma sweet/soapy roast malt, spice/earth hop buried deep.

Mouthfeel nice thick body but clean

Flavor sweet roast with bitterness on top, followed by vanilla/caramel candy

Finish hop cleansing notable, sweetness blends with chocolate, last impression is battle between hop bitterness and sweet roast malt.

Overall, interesting, big hops are nice feature, but a bit cloying on the sweetness, grain only works because of big hop presence.  HG Centennial hops are solid.  Brown malt lends smoky flavor to roast, probably a bit much.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Batch 102 Schwarzbier

5 gallons

5 lbs dinge pils
3 lbs best malz dark Munich
5.5 oz Bries roast barley
4.375 oz weyermann choc wheat
4 oz MFB kiln amber
4 oz MFB caramel 120
1/2 tsp soda
SRM 25

Mash 130 df 5 mins, 148 df 20 mins pH 5.0, 156 df 40 mins

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 10 gr Columbus 15.2%aa, 23 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
15 mins 1/2 oz Cascade 6.9%aa, 7 IBUs
30 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.059, 90% bhe, add 1 qt water to get to 1.056.
abv est 5.3%. 

Pitch at 55 df with w2278 in 2 Qts 2 step starter, leave at 55 df for primary. 

Rack to secondary 2/4/15, rest at 66 df. Move to 45 df 2/7/15.  No activity by 2/10 pm, raise to 50 df.  2/11 am, some activity, leave at 50 df.  2/11 pm, start dropping 1 df per day or so.  Lager at 40 df. 

Bottle 4/3 with 110 gr table sugar, yield 5 gallons, 2.9 vols co2.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Batch 101 Saison

3 gallons

4 lbs dinge pils
1/2 lb TFS Golden Promise
1/2 lb Best Malz Vienna
1/2 lb Best Malz dark Munich
1/4 lb flaked wheat
1/2 tsp gypsum
SRM 6 w/brown sugar (see below)

Mash 130 df 10 mins, 146 df 50 mins, 156 df 20 mins

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 7 gr Columbus 15.2%aa, 26 IBUs
15 mns 1 oz Mt. Hood 5.5%aa, 9 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 tsp Irish moss
10 mins 8 gr toasted crushed coriander
35 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.055, 3.2 gals, bhe 83%

Pitch with 1/2 lb brown sugar boiled in 1 cup water to get to 1.062 OG, 1/2 oz cascade 5.9%aa, OYL500 in 1/2 qt starter, 75 df, move to 73 df chamber.
Rack to secondary 1/23, move to 77 df.

Bottle 2/6 with 90 gr table sugar, yield 360 oz, 2.9 vols co2.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Batch 100 Porter

3 gallons

2 lbs muntons Maris otter
2 lbs best malz Vienna
1 lb TFS golden promise
1 lb best malz dark Munich
1/2 lb TFS brown
1/2 lb MFB kiln amber
1/2 lb MFB caramel 120
2 oz weyermanns choc wheat
1/4 tsp soda

SRM 24

Mash 130 df 10 mins, 152 df 70 mins, pH 5.0

Boil 75 mins

60 mins 3.5 gr galena 13.9%aa, 10 IBUs
30 mins 1/2 oz sorachi ace 11.9%aa, 27 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz Willamette 4.8%aa, 13 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 tsp Irish moss

50 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.066, 3.1 gals, 74% bhe.

Abv est 6.3%

Pitch with w1084 in 1 qt starter, move to 66 df.  Full krausen, run up to 72df in 18 hrs, move to 64 df to bring down to 66 df for primary.

Rack to secondary 1/16/15, leave at 66 df.

Bottle 1/30/15 with 55 gr table sugar, yield 360 oz, 2.2 vols co2.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Batch 99 Wit

3 gallons

3.5 lbs dinge pils
2.25 lbs flaked wheat
6 oz best malz Vienna
1/4 tsp cacl


Mash 10 mins 130 df, 70 mins 148 df.

Boil 75 mins
60 mins 3 gr sorachi ace 11.9%aa, 8 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 tsp Irish moss
10 mins add spice mix: 7 gr coriander toasted cracked with 3 gr dried bitter orange peel
5 mins 5 gr sorachi ace 11.9%aa, 3 IBUs

11 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.052 @ 2.9 gals, 69% bhe

Abv est 5.1

Pitch with w3942 in 2/3 qt starter at 75 df with 6 gr sorachi ace, move to 73 df chamber.  Foaming over at 16 hours, put on blow-off tube.

Rack to secondary 1/9/15, leave at 73 df for 1 week, move to 70 df.

Bottle 1/23 with 80 gr table sugar, yield 336 oz, 2.9 vols co2.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Batch 93 Saison tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours clear gold, slight haze, giant white head that stays, carbonation uneven in this batch, back to the bucket. 

Aroma, barnyard with earthy hops on top, sweet malt beneath.  Horsy yeast is dominant, offset nicely with hops.

Mouth feel medium body, coats mouth, then cleans it back up.

Flavor barnyard up front, refreshing bitterness behind, on top of toothy malt sweetness.  Nice balance of flavors.

Finish cleansing bitterness as sweetness dwindles.

Overall, this is delicious.  Stock saison here.  Don't mess with the recipe.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Batch 92 SAB Clone tasting notes


Pours very dark brown, a tad cloudy, perfect 1 inch tan head, laces and stays.

Aroma pine citrus up front with mild sweet malt behind as it warms.

Mouth feel toothy but clean, moderate to light body, not clingy or cloying.

Flavor pine with a hint of citrus bitterness, crisp sweetness.

Finish big growling bitterness, hop bite, cleansing.

Overall, very good replica here, could maybe build up yeast more, but this is a crowd pleaser.