Sunday, December 30, 2018

Batch 187 Marzen

5 gallons

5 lbs best malz dark munich
2.5 lbs weyermanns floor malted bohemian pilsner

SRM 10

Mash 146 df 10 mins, decoct 1/3 to full simmer, 158 df 50 mins, decoct 1/4 to full simmer, mash out.

Boil 100 mins
95 mins 5 gr columbus @14.5% aa, 12 IBUs
15 mins 14 gr mt hood @5.5% aa, 6 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss

OG into fermenter 1.050, 89% bhe

Pitch at 60 df onto 'Batch 184 Pilsner' cake, add 1 pkg saflager 34/70 in 2/3 qt starter, leave at 55 df.  Move to 70 df for rest midday 1/6.  Move to 60 df on 1/9 am.  Drop 5 df every other day until 45 df.  Lager at 45 df starting 1/14.

2/3 rack to keg with 1 tsp gelatin, leave at 38 df on 13 psi.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Batch 186 IPA

5.5 gallons

13 lbs chateau pale
8 oz mfb cara120
1 tsp gypsum

SRM 12

Mash 154 df 40 mins, 158 df 20 mins

Boil 60 mins
55 mins 7 gr columbus 14.5%aa,  12 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz centennial 10.8%aa, 29 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz centennial 10.8%aa, 19 IBUs
5 mins 1 oz centennial 10.8%aa, 8 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.070, 75% bhe

Pitch with S-04 in 3/4 qt starter at 70 df, leave at 70 df.  Move to 65 df on 12/23.

Rack to keg 1/6, put on 14 psi at 38df.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Batch 183 Dubbel tasting notes

cellar temp

pours deep brown, coarse thin tan head that lingers

aroma slight roast under big sweet fruit esters

mouthfeel moderate body, slight coating

flavor big sweet tropical fruit (not quite banana), dates or raisins, slight roast behind balanced with hop bitterness, ends with slight hop bitterness

finish some heat at the back, slight coating that clears, left with hop bitterness

overall very nice example, not quite enough head, could dry out a bit more with more sugar, but otherwise very good.  quite a kick.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Batch 181 Saison tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours bright deep gold, tall coarse white head hangs around, laces

Aroma sweet malt, soap suds, mild spice

Mouthfeel moderate body, slight coating, a bit cloying

Flavor banana forward, hop bitterness with alcohol at back, needs to be drier

Finishes bitter at back of tongue

Overall not very horsey, almost closer to a belgian blonde, maybe should just toss the kiln amber?

Batch 185 Porter hop dump

5 gallons

6 lbs chateau pale
2 lbs best malz dark munich
1 lb mfb kiln amber
0.5 lbs mfb cara 120
4 oz briess roast barley
4 oz peated malt

SRM 19

Mash 15 mins at 148 df, 50 mins at 156 df

Boil 60 mins
60 mins 1.5 oz homegrown centennials 16 IBUs
30 mins 1.5 oz homegrown centennials 12 IBUs
15 mins 2 oz homegrown centennials and1 oz homegrown willammette 16 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.052, 71% bhe

Pitch at 70 df with 1 pkg S-04 in 3/4 qt starter, leave at 70 df.  Move to 65 df on 12/15.

Rack to keg 12/23, leave on 14 psi at 38 df.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Batch 182 Pilsner tasting notes

Cold from tap

Yellow gold clear, tall white fine head that stays, laces

Smells like slightly sweet grain, curry spice/dishrag

Mouthfeel moderate to light body, carb pops, cleanses

Flavor grainy malt, dishraggy bitterness, hop bitterness with little flavor

Finishes with hint of soapy rag, clean bitterness at the back

Overall something seems a bit soapy, hard to say what it is.  Bad saaz?  Must be some sort of contamination?  Maybe gelatin technique?

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Batch 180 Arrogant Bastard Clone tasting notes

Cold from tap

Pours hazy deep orange with large fine/varied light tan head the laces a lot

Aroma fresh fruit with pine edge, some tropical fruit

Mouthfeel light body clears quickly

Flavor bitter pine up front, odd uneven sweetness underneath, metallic?

Finish pretty clean, some alcohol at end.

Overall something not right here, chinooks not very good this year, cara getting old?  Not enough alcohol balance?  Mash too thick?  Hard to put a finger on it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Batch 179 Baltic porter tasting notes

Cold from tap, first pull of the day

Dark brown with orange around edge, slightly cloudy, tall fine tan head that laces.

Aroma cocoa/toffee

Mouthfeel light to moderate body, coats tongue, some cloy on back of tongue

Flavor solid sweet roast, toffee, bitterness at end, slight spicy hop bitterness in middle

Finish sweet, coating hangs on back of tongue

Overall pleasant sweet balances roast well, alcohol disappears, but still quite a kick, hop flavor could be more forward but bitternness seems correct. 

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Batch 184 Pilsner

5 gallons

7.5 lbs wey flr boh pils
1 lb best malz dark munich
1/2 tsp cacl


Mash 148 df 20 mins, 156 df 50 mins

Boil 90 mins
70 mins 10 gr Columbus 14.5% aa, 22 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 2 oz Saaz 2.8% aa, 5 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.051, 79% bhe

Pitch with 1 pkg saflager 34/70 in 1.5 qt 2-step starter at 65 df, leave at 55 df for primary.

11/27 move to 70 df for rest.  Return to 60 df on 11/30, drop 5 df per day until 45 df, leave to lager.

Rack to keg 12/29, add 1 tsp gelatin, put on 14 psi at 38df.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Batch 183 Dubbel

5 gallons

8 lbs wey flr boh pils
2.5 lbs best malz dark munich
1 lb flaked oats
8 oz mfb cara120
8 oz mfb kiln amber
2 oz wey choc wheat

SRM 17

Mash 30 mins 148df, 40 mins 154 df

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 10 gr columbus 14.5%aa, 18 IBUs
30 mins 6 oz brown sugar
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
15 mins 1/2 oz mt hood 5.5%aa, 5 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.069, 71% bhe

Pitch with W3787 in 1.5 qt 2-step starter at 75 df, leave at 70 df.  Runs up to 78 df after a day, drag back down to 70 df on 10/16 am. Heater in fermenter dies some time before 10/29, temp at 65 df on 10/29.  Raise temp to 70 df on 11/3.

Bottle 11/10 with 90 gr table sugar, yield 724 oz, 2.0 vols co2.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Batch 182 Pilsner

5 gallons

7 lbs wey flr boh pils
1 lbs bm dark munich
1/2 tsp CaCl


Mash 20 mins 148 df, 50 mins 154 df.

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 10 gr columbus 14.5%aa, 22 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 2 oz saaz 2.8%aa, 5 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.046, 76%bhe

Pitch at 68 df with 34/70 in 1.5 qts 2-step starter, leave at 55 df.  Move to 68 df for rest on 10/9 am, put back to 60 df on 10/12 am, drop 5 df per day to lagering temp of 45 df. 

11/4 keg with 1 tsp gelatin, leave at 38 df on 12 psi.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Batch 181 Saison

5.5 gallons

6 lbs best malz pilsner
2 lbs weyermann floor boh pils
1 lb best malz dark munich
1 lb rolled oats
1/2 lb mfb kiln amber
3/4 tsp gypsum


Mash 144 df 50 mins, 152 df 20 mins

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 11 gr columbus 14.5%aa, 19 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz mt hood 5.6%aa, 10 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.058, 84% bhe

Pitch at 75df with oyl500 in 3/4 qt starter, leave at 75df.

Bottle 10/7 with 102 gr table sugar, yield 624 oz, 2.1 vols co2.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Inventory, planned future brews

2 kegs in keezer, one with some blonde ale, one with more doppelbock

5 gallons baltic porter lagering, 2-3 weeks out

5 gallons SAB clone in primary, 1-2 weeks out

2 bombers saison

7 bottles APA

4 bottles tripel

8 bottles RIS

Should bottle some doppelbock for aging

Should make a Saison - maybe add some pumpkin/spice?

Should make a batch of Pilsner

Should make a Belgian Dubbel

Monday, September 3, 2018

Batch 178 Blonde Ale tasting notes

Cold from tap

First pour of the day, gigantic fine white head, light yellow gold, slight haze

Aroma fruit punch, pineapple, sweet curry spice

Mouthfeel light body, dry, cleanses, no cloying or sweetness

Flavor malt edge underneath bitter fruit, slight orange peel, hint of hawaiian punch, bitter at the end

Finishes clean, refreshing with hop bitterness on tongue

Overall very good, drinkable, maybe a bit too much bitterness, maybe try biscuit in place of munich, push hops towards the end.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Batch 176 Doppelbock tasting notes

Cold from tap, first pull of the day

Pours very tall deep tan head, deep brown color, a bit hazy, translucent

Aroma a little booze, rich syrup with licorice/anise

Mouthfeel thick but cleans up ok

Flavor black licorice, malty malt, sweet without cloying, alcohol in back

Finishes surprisingly clean after malt bitterness passes

Overall: this is the shit.  Pretty much there, could add some dark munich, but really no need, hops are spot on.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Batch 177 APA tasting notes

Cold from bottle

Pours deep orange slightly hazy solid fine white tan head that lingers, laces

Aroma bright fruit punch with lemon lime highlights, subtle sweetness

Mouthfeel medium body, cleansing and nice carb pop

Flavor big fruity hop with bitter citrus peel on toast (biscuit), malt sweetness very subtle at the end

Finishes clean and quenching, nice bitterness on tongue without dryness

Overall a very pleasant beverage, no need to change.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Batch 180 Arrogant Bastard clone

5 gallons

5.5 lbs chateau pale
5.5 lbs best malz pils
1 lb mfb cara 120
1 tsp gypsum

SRM 15

Mash 30 mins 150 df, 40 mins 154 df  Note on mash: very thick at end, poor mixing stunted efficiency.

Boil 75 mins
60 mins 3/4 oz chinook 11.6%aa, 30 IBUs
20 mins 3/4 oz chinook 11.6%aa, 18 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
10 mins 3/4 oz chinook 11.6%aa, 11 IBUs
3/4 oz chinook 11.6%aa at flameout, 5 IBUs 

OG into fermenter 1.064, 72% bhe

Pitch with S-04 in 3/4 qt strong starter at 75 df, leave at 60 df.

Rack to keg ~ 9/15, leave on 12 psi at 38 df.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Batch 179 Baltic Porter

5 gallons

6 lbs 12 oz best malz munich
4 lbs chateau pale
1 lb 4 oz best malz dark munich
8 oz mfb kiln amber
6 oz mfb cara 120
4 oz briess roast barley
2 oz briess chocolate
2 oz peated malt

SRM 21

Mash 15 mins 142 df, 55 mins 153 df

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 14 gr columbus @ 14.5%aa, 24 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz mt hood @5.6%aa, 14 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 1 oz saaz @2.8%aa, 2 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.074, 75% bhe

Pitch with 1 pkg saflager 34/70 in 1-1/2 qt 2 stage starter at 68 df, move to 55 df.  8/22 am move to 70 df for d-rest.  Drop 5 df per day starting 8/25 until 45 df reached for lagering on 8/30. 

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Batch 178 Blonde Ale

5 gallons

7 lbs best malz pils
1 lb best malz munich
1 tsp cacl


Mash 30 mins 150df, 40 mins 154df

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 7 gr centennial 10.8%aa, 12 IBUs
30 mins 7 gr centennial, 9 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 14 gr centennial, 5 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.049, 82% bhe

Pitch with US-05 in 2/3 qt starter at 70 df, leave at 60 df.  Rack to keg 8/13, leave on 12 psi at 38 df.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Batch 172 Saison tasting notes

Cellar/Room temp

Pours clear golden, deep off-white head with medium bubbles, stays, laces

Aroma fruit, slight horse, some dishrag

Mouthfeel moderate body, carb cleans up, no cling or cloy

Flavor ripe fruit malt, barnyard, bitter at the back

Finish a little too sweet, pleasant hop bitterness

Overall, try mashing at lower temp (or add some sugar) to dry out a bit, reduce amber, watch sanitation

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Batch 175 Marzen tasting notes

Cold from tap

Pours clear orange with fine white head that stays, laces nicely

Aroma sweet malt, fruit, slight spice

Mouthfeel medium body, coats some

Flavor pleasant malt, ripe apples/fruit.

Finish slight coating, bitterness in back at the very end.

Overall pleasant but somewhat bland, meets expectations for style but not a rock star.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Batch 177 APA

5 gallons

6 lbs mfb pale
5 lbs chateau pale
1 lb mfb kiln amber
1/2 lb mfb cara120
1 tsp gyp

SRM 14

Mash 20 mins 154 df, 40 mins 158 df

Boil 60 mins
60 mins 7 gr Columbus at 14.5%aa, 12 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz Centennial at 9.9%aa, 26 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
15 mins 1/2 oz Chinook, 12.8%aa, 11 IBUs
5 mins 1/4 oz Chinook, 1/2 oz each Centennial and Motueka 6.7%aa, 8 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.064, 69% bhe (may have denatured enzyme during mash, thin mash on second step may be more like 5.5 gallons).

Pitch at 70 df with 1 pkg S-04 in 2/3 qt strong starter, leave at 65 df.  Dry hop with 1/4 oz Chinook, 1/2 oz Centennial and 1/2 oz Motueka on 7/15.

Rack most to keg 7/26, leave at 38 df on 14 psi.  7/31 bottle a case using beer gun with driving pressure of 8 psi, then rack remaining gallon to keg, return to 38 df and 14 psi.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Current Inventory

5 gallons doppelbock in secondary

3-4 gallons marzen on tap

1-1/2 cases saison

3/4 case tripel

1 case RIS

brew day tomorrow 5 gallons APA

Keezer notes

Exchanged 10 lb CO2 cylinder at Terrace Supply in Villa Park for $56 on 7/5.  Old cylinder was overdue for testing, costing extra $20.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Batch 174 APA tasting notes

Cold from tap

Pours deep orange, cloudy, big fine white head that stays, laces

Aroma big tart fruit punch, some citrus, sweet

Mouthfeel medium body, edgy bitterness, cleans up quick

Flavor sweeter than aroma, big citrus-fruity hop tartness met firmly with malt sweetness

Finish minor bitter edge, feel quenched

Overall very pleasant hoppy beer without being 'bitter', balances alcohol very well, malt meets hops well.  Is this the final APA?  Would definitely do this again.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Batch 176 Doppelbock

5 gallons

12 lbs best malz munich
1 lb mfb cara 120

SRM 18

Mash infuse to 148 df, pull 1/4 for decoct, return in 15 mins, rest 45 mins at 158 df, pull 1/4 for decoct, return in 15 mins for mash out.

Add 1 tsp CaCl during sparge and lauter

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 7 gr columbus 14.5%aa, 12 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 1 oz saaz 2.6%aa, 2 IBUs
5 mins 1/2 oz mt hood 5.6%aa, 2 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.080, 84% bhe

Pitch at 65 df with pkg Saflager 34/70 in 1-1/2 qt 2-stage starter, leave at 55 df.  Move to 72 df 7/3 for rest.  Move to 65 df on 7/5, drop 5 df per day to 45 df.  Lager at 45 df.

Rack to keg 8/10, leave at 38df on 12psi.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Batch 173 Blonde Ale tasting notes

Cold from tap

Pours yellow, bright clear, fine white head that stays, laces

Aroma sweet tarts, soapy in a good way, hint of light malt

Mouthfeel light-medium body, effervesces, clears right out

Flavor big fresh fruit at perfect ripeness, sweet yet apple/grape/pear tartness, slight bitterness at end

Finish clean, quenches very well, slight bitter edge is very pleasant at the end.

Overall very simple pleasant summer beer, balance is correct, competes with pils, but sweeter and more malt/yeast balance here.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Batch 171 Pilsner tasting notes

Cold from tap

Gold, very clear, tall fine white head that stays, laces nicely

Aroma fruity malt, apples pears, spice

Mouthfeel moderate body, cleanses

Flavor crisp bitter malt, nice bitter edge at end

Finishes clean, almost too much edge on hop bitterness

Overall fine example, maybe push hops towards end of boil some.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Batch 175 Marzen

5 gallons

7.5 lbs Best Malz Munich
1/2 tsp CaCl


Mash at 148 df 10 mins, pull about 1/3 for decoction, bring to rapid boil, return to mash.  Rest at 156 df for 50 mins.

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 4 gr Columbus 14.5%aa, 9 IBUs
5 mins 1/2 oz Mt Hood 5.6%aa and 1 oz German Hallertau 4.1%aa, 5 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.054, 97% bhe

Pitch with 1 pkg saflager 34/70 in 1.5 qt 2-step starter at 60 df, move to 55 df.  Move to 68 df 4/30 for rest.  Put at 60 df on 5/2, drop 5 df per day to 45 df starting 5/7.  Lager at 45 df.

Rack to keg with 1/2 tsp gelatin on 6/3.  Leave at 12 psi, 38 df.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Batch 174 APA

5 gallons

11 lbs MFB pale
1 lb MFB kiln amber
1/2 lb MFB cara120
1 tsp gypsum

SRM 14

Mash 154 df for 20 mins, 158 df for 50 mins

Boil 60 mins
60 mins 7 gr columbus 14.5% aa, 12 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz centennial 7.8% aa, 20 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 oz chinook 11.6% aa, 10 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 1/2 oz NZ motueka 6.5%aa, 1/2 oz centennial, 1/4 oz chinook, 7 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.072, 77%bhe

Pitch with 1 pkg saflager S-04 in 3/4 qt starter at 65 df, leave at 65 df.

Dry hop 4/14 with 1/2 oz centennial, 1/2 oz motueka and 1/4 oz chinook.

Rack to keg 4/23, put under 14 psi at 38 df.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Batch 173 Blonde Ale

5 Gallons

8.5 lbs Best Malz pils
1 tsp CaCl

Mash 20 mins at 150 df, 50 mins at 154 df.


Boil 90 mins

60 mins 7 gr Centennial 7.8%aa, 8 IBUs
30 mins 7 gr Centennial 7.8%aa, 6 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 14 gr Centennial 7.8%aa, 3 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.050, 80%bhe

Pitch at 65 df with 1 pkg Safale US-05 in 1/2 qt starter, leave at 60 df.

Rack to keg 4/8 with 1/2 tsp gelatin in 1/2 cup boiled water, leave at 38 df on 14 psi.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Batch 170 APA tasting notes

From tap 45 df

Pours pleasant orange, slight haze, fine tan head that stays, laces

Aroma citrus fruit punch, pine

Mouthfeel moderate body, sharp edge

Flavor bitter, tart fruit with citrus peel, pine bitterness, bread way underneath

Finish sharp bite on tongue, somewhat quenched.

Overall solid APA, could go 1/3 chinook and 2/3 centennial, more cara, but this is very good as-is.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Batch 168 Doppelbock tasting notes

45 df from tap

Pours deep orance, clear, fine tan head that lingers at edge, laces

Aroma buttery sweet, indian spicy, some tart fruit

Mouthfeel moderate to thick body, coats with sweetness

Flavor melanoids up front, butterscotch, touch of brightness/yeast, malt bitterness at end

Finish malt bitterness dissolves into hoppy edge, feel quenched.

Overall best yet doppelbock, could make a bit thicker/sweeter, but hides alcohol well and isn't overly sweet/cloying.  Packs a punch.  Hop balance is about right there.  Big malt flavor is spot on.  Maybe try decocting out.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Batch 169 Porter tasting notes

Fresh from tap, 45 df.

Pours clear very deep red, fine tan head that stays, laces nicely

Aroma caramel, toffee, some dishrag

Mouthfeel moderate body, coats, roasty-dryness

Flavor fresh tart fruit, big roast/coffee/toffee punch, pleasant sweetness against the roast

Finishes clean roastyness at the end, hop bitterness way in the back, have to look for it, feel quenched

Overall very fine example here.  No suggestions for improvement.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Batch 167 Tripel tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours golden hazy smallish white head that drops back, laces nicely

Aroma deep ripe stone fruit, slight tropical edge, butterscotchy

Mouthfeel toothy, coats, good carb balance

Flavor tropical/banana fruit/bubblegum

Finish pick up some bitterness, still leaves a sweet coating, dryness in the back

Overall somewhat pedestrian attempt here, no real recommendations, keep this one in the books.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Batch 165 Saison tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours bright gold tall loose white head that drops back

Aroma big tart fruit (apples pears), minor barnyard

Mouthfeel light/moderate body, clean and dry

Flavor barnyard and fruit dance together, hop bitterness at the end

Finishes bitter and dry

Overall, could bump ferm temp a bit, drop back IBUs a tad.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Batch 163 Imperial Stout tasting notes

Cellar termp

Pours opaque black, creamy fine tan really big head

Aroma roasted caramel, toffee, earth

Mouthfeel moderate to heavy body, hint of metallic

Flavor roast first, sweetness, minor heat, dry at end.

Finishes dried out, thirsty.

Overall needs more hops, especially at the end, and too sweet.  Not enough oak.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Batch 172 Saison

6 Gallons

7.5 lbs best malz pils
1 lb MFB kiln amber
1 lb best malz dark munich
1 lb rolled oats
3/4 tsp gypsum


Mash 50 mins at 146 df, 20 mins at 154 df

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 11 gr columbus at 14.9%aa, 19 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz mt hood at 5.6%aa, 9 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss

OG 1.052 into fermenter, 82% bhe

Pitch with OYL 500 at 75 df, leave at 75 df.

Bottle 3/17 with 120 gr table sugar, yield 722 oz, 2.2 vols CO2.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Batch 171 Pilsner

5 gallons

7 lbs best malz pils
1 lb best malz dark munich
1/2 tsp CaCl

Mash 20 mins at 148 df, 50 mins at 156 df

Boil 120 mins

60 mins 11 gr columbus 14.9%aa, 25 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 2 oz saaz 3.0%aa, 5 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.050, 84%bhe

Pitch with 1 pkg saflager 34/70 in 1.5 qt 2-step starter at 60 df, leave at 55 df.  Move to 65 df on 2/23 pm for rest.  Move to 60 df on 3/2 pm.  Drop 5 df per day, lager at 45 df.

Rack to keg 4/8 with 1/2 tsp gelatin in 1/2 cup boiled water, leave at 38 df on 14 psi.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Batch 170 APA

5 gallons

11 lbs MFB 2-row
1 lb MFB kiln amber
8 oz MFB cara120
1 tsp gypsum

SRM 14

Mash 20 mins at 154 df, 40 mins at 158 df

Boil 60 mins

60 mins 7 gr columbus 14.9%aa, 12 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz centennial 7.8%aa, 20 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz chinook 11.6%aa, 20 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 1/2 oz each centennial and chinook, 6 IBUs

58 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.076, 81% bhe

Pitch with 1 pkg S-04 in 3/4 quart starter at 70 df, leave at 68 df.

Dry hop 1/2 oz each centennial and chinook on 2/4.

Rack to keg 2/11, leave at 45 df with 12 psi.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Batch 166 Hop Dump tasting notes

cold from tap

pours golden, hazy, nice white head that stays around edge, laces

aroma earthy fruit, dirty malt underneath

mouthfeel kind of stringent, bitter puckery, moderate body elsewise

flavor buttery malt base with dirty apple fruit balance, grassy underneath, bitter at the end

finish hops don't quite cleanse the palate, although they are trying, left with odd grass clippings sort of feel under the malt

overall drinkable but not ambrosia.  verifies homegrowns really do have some alpha acids.  this is not a good way to use up the homegrowns, better off using them for bittering dark beers.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Batch 164 Pils tasting notes

Cold from the tap

Pours clear gold, not quite bright, fine white head that stays, laces nicely

Aroma just wonderful, fruity and spicy, tart, yet mild sweetness

Mouthfeel crisp, light body but not thin, very light coating at end

Flavor plain malt with firm spicy bitterness, some corn

Finishes very light coating, correct pleasant bitterness on tongue, still with the corn

Overall, DMS is a problem, otherwise this is as good as you can do.  Try extending the boil another 30 mins?

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Batch 169 Porter

5 gallons

3.5 lbs MFB 2-row
3.5 lbs best malz dark munich
1 lb MFB kiln amber
12 oz MFB cara 120
6.5 oz TFS brown
4 oz briess roast barley
2 oz peated malt

SRM 22

Mash 10 mins 148 df, 60 mins 156 df, sparge with 160 df water

Boil 60 mins

55 mins 8 gr columbus 14.9%aa, 17 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
10 mins 1 oz saaz 3.0%aa, 4 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.051, 75% bhe

Pitch at 65 df with 1 pkg US-05 in 3/4 qt starter, leave at 65 df.

Rack to keg 2/4/18, leave at 45 df and 12 psi.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Batch 168 Doppelbock

5 gallons

8 lbs best malz dark munich
4 lbs best malz pils
12 oz mfb cara 120
1 tsp cacl

SRM 17

Mash infuse to 145 df, pull 1/3 for decoct boil, return in 15 mins, 155 df for 50 mins.

Boil 90 mins

60 mins 7 gr Columbus at 14.9%aa, 13 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 1 oz saaz at 3.0%aa, 2 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.076, 82% bhe

Pitch with 1 pkg saflager 34/70 in 2 qt 2-stage starter at 60 df, move to 55 df.

Move for rest 1/11, leave at 65 df.  Move to 60 df 1/14 pm.  Drop to 45 df over 3-4 days, lager at 45 df.

Rack to keg 2/4/18.  Leave at 45 df, 12 psi.