Sunday, December 17, 2017

Batch 167 Tripel

6 gallons

13 lbs best malz pils
1 lb best malz dark Munich
1 lb rolled oats
1/2 tsp cacl

Mash 70 mins 150 df

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 6 gr Columbus 14.9%aa, 9 IBUs
30 mins 6 gr Columbus 14.9%aa, 7 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
15 mins 1 lb table sugar
5 mins 2 oz Saaz 3.0%aa, 8 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.077, 76%bhe

Pitch with 2 pks W1214 in 2 Qts starter at 70 df, leave at 65 df.  Bump up to 72 df on 12/19, then 75 df on 12/20.

Bottle 1/6/18 with 125 gr table sugar, yield 752 oz, 2.2 vols CO2.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Batch 166 Hop dump

5 galloms

8 lbs mfb 2-row
1 lb mfb kiln amber
1/2 tsp gypsum


Mash 50 mins 150 df, 20 mins 156 df

Boil 60 mins

55 mins 1/2 oz homegrown willammette, 2 IBUs
55 mins 1 oz homegrown centennial, 18 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 3.5 oz homegrown centennial, 12 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.054, 80% bhe

pitch with 1 pkg safale us-05 in 1/2 qt starter at 68 df, leave at 68 df.

Rack to keg on 11/25, leave at 38 df.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Batch 165 Saison

6 gallons

7.5 lbs MFB pils
1 lb MFB kiln amber
1 lb Bestmalz dark munich
1 lb oatmeal
3/4 tsp gypsum


Mash 146 df 50 mins, 154 df 20 mins

Boil 90 mins

60 mins 11 gr Columbus 14.9%aa, 19 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz Mt. Hood 5.6%aa, 9 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss

OG into fermenter 1.052, bhe 82%

Pitch with 1 pkg OYL500 in 1 qt starter at 70 df, leave at 75 df.

Bottle 11/25 with 120 gr table sugar, 2.4 vols co2.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Batch 162 IPA tasting notes

Cold from tap

Pours deep orange, haze, 1/2 inch nice fine tan head that laces

Aroma bright piny, bitter citrus fruit, sweetness underneath

Mouthfeel moderate body, hoppy cleansing, dry

Flavor bitter grapefruit peel, some fruit punch underneath, nominal sweetness doesn't really balance

Finishes hop bitterness, thirsty

Overall, a classic IPA here with hop bitterness dominating, not really to my taste, could eliminate citra entirely, go back to centennials (maybe chinooks) and less strong

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Batch 161 Marzen tasting notes

Cold from the tap

Pours bright clear orange with tall fine white head

Aroma sweet malt ripe fruit (apples/pears)

Mouthfeel clean moderate/light body, light coating

Flavor big sweet malt/melanoidin crunch, slight corn/grain in background, slight bitter at end

Finishes malt flavor with bitterness for cleansing, carb cleans up well, want more

Overall very good effort here, good balance for style, very refreshing and drinkable, maybe a bit of dms here, maybe go back to w2633 next time.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Batch 164 Czech Pils

5 gallons

7 lbs mfb pils
1 lb bestmalz dark munich
1/2 tsp cacl


Mash 20 mins at 148 df, 50 mins 155 df

Boil 90 mins

60 mins 10 gr Columbus 14.9%aa, 22 IBUs
30 mins 1/2 oz homegrown liberty, 2 IBUs
5 mins 2 oz saaz, 3.0%aa, 5 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.050, 84% bhe

Pitch with saflager 34/70 in 1.5 qt 2-step starter at 60 df, leave at 55 df.
Move to rest at 68 df on 11/1 pm, return to 60 df on 11/4 am, drop 5 df per day until 45 df.

Lager at 45 df starting 11/7.

Rack to keg 11/25 with 1 tsp gelatin dissolved in 1 cup boiled water, leave at 38 df.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Batch 163 Imperial Stout

7 Gallons

15 lbs MFB pale
1 lb MFB kiln amber
1 lb oatmeal
1.5 lbs briess roast barley
1 lb weyermanns choc wheat
2 oz peated malt
12 coffee beans
1/2 tsp soda

SRM 48

Mash 70 mins 150 df

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 2 oz galena 13.8%aa, 60 IBUs
30 mins 1.5 lbs table sugar
30 mins 2 oz homegrown willammette, 6 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz homegrown centennial, 5 IBUs

OG 1.092, 80% bhe, add 1 lb sugar, OG 1.100 into fermenter

Pitch at 78 df with 1.5 qts 2-step strong starter w1084, leave at 75 df.  Runs up to 82 df after 1 day, drop temp to 75 df, hold until 10/11 when it drops to 70 df.  Warm back up to 75 df.

10/14 rack to secondary, add 1 oz centennial 10.4%aa, 1 tbsp oak shavings soaked in brandy, 1 packet nottingham yeast, leave at 75 df for secondary.

Bottle 10/28 with 120 gr table sugar, yield 780 oz, 2.0 vols co2.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Batch 159 Saison Tasting Notes

Cellar temp

Pours bright clear gold, course white head that drops back after a couple minutes, laces OK

Aroma first thing is horse blanket, then rich ripe fruit malt, floral/spice aroma at end.  Slight soap edge.

Mouthfeel dry, moderate body, clean at end

Flavor barnyard/soap, more bitter than sweet balance, malt disappears under hop bite.

Finish is dry, hop bitterness.

Overall, pretty fine effort here, could drop back the IBUs, or raise the abv.  Absolutely dry, per style, but not as fruity as I like.  Surprisingly low ester profile considering fermentation temps, maybe try something between 75 and 80.  Either bump up the abv or drop the IBUs.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Batch 160 Dubbel tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours clear brown, heavy orange tint, soda-pop fizz tan color falls away immediately

Aroma pick up alcohol at first, sweet ripe fruit, caramel

Mouthfeel moderate body, bright carb, not much at end

Flavor ripe tropical fruit, slight roast, bitter at end

Finishes pretty warm, very light coating, hop bitterness without flavor

Overall, forgot the adjunct for head retention (oats or flaked wheat), could reduce the abv and ibu some, could use more roast.  Very drinkable, but disappointing with no head.  Another month in the bottle wouldn't hurt, either.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Batch 158 Pils tasting notes

Drank it down before could sit down for notes.


A little DMS-y.  Nice clarity.  Hop bitterness a bit too edgy/green.

Must have been good, because it went really fast.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Batch 162 IPA

6.5 gallons

14.5 lbs briess 2-row
1 lb mfb cara 120
1 lb mfb kiln amber
1 tsp gypsum

SRM 14

Mash 20 mins 154 df, 50 mins 158 df

Boil 60 mins
50 mins 10 gr columbus 14.9% aa, 12 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz centennial 10.4% aa, 20 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz chinook 11.6% aa, 14 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 1/2 oz each centennial, chinook and citra 12.3% aa, 8 IBUs

54 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.075, 81% bhe

Pitch at 75 df with S-04 in 3/4 quarts starter, leave at 68 df.

Dry hop 1/2 oz each centennial, citra and chinook 9/24.

Rack to keg 9/30 at 13 psi.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Current process

Today I am starting a lager, and took some pictures to document the day.  Many things have changed since I started 5 years ago, but many stay the same.

For starters, I now use this kitchenaid mill attachment to grind my grain.  I use the coarsest setting, which gives a consistent pretty fine crush, with good efficiency and minimal stuck sparge.  Downside is the cup only holds about a pound of grain, so I have to keep feeding it off the scale every few minutes.

I still just use a pot on the stove as my HLT, and transfer infusion water into my tun on top of the grain with a quart pyrex pitcher.  Typically I heat the HLT to about 15 df above my first rest temperature, then bring it to a boil to infuse to higher rest temps.  Any salts go into the grain/mash, where I sometimes test the pH.  I use CaCl, gypsum, or baking soda, depending on the application.  I love the stainless spatula for stirring in the mash, which I have used since day 1.  I also now have a homemade maple wooden spoon that I use for larger mashes when the stainless doesn't reach the bottom .

I still use the lauter manifold I built when I first started, it works great in the gott cooler I use as the mash tun.  Sparge water is transferred using the pyrex pitcher from the 170 df HLTs.  I vorlauf about 3 or 4 quarts, depending on how the wort looks.

For this batch, there is a lot of pils, so I want to drive off as much dms as I can, so I use 2 pots for a good portion of the boil.  The biggest stove burner is 17,000 btu/hr, which produces less than the roiling boil I prefer for 5 gallons.  It works great for 3 or 4 gallons, but 5 gallons is more of a simmer.  With 2 row or maris otter, the one big pot is fine, but pils, splitting is better.  Also, I typically use 3 burners to get it up to a boil, which otherwise takes forever.

I use bleach for sanitizing on brew day.  I came full circle, using starsan for a while, but started having way too much contamination because it doesn't clean, it only sanitizes.  With bleach, when you leave things soaking for 20 minutes, they come out clean.  With starsan, things had a coating of beer on them, so I really should have added pbw or something to the cleaning process if I wanted to continue with it.  I still use it for bottling, but I am careful to brush out bottles before putting them in storage.  Note I also still use glass carboys for fermentation.  I have cracked a couple over the years, but with careful handling, I feel better about them being clean.

Here's an addition for lagering, a pre-chiller coil.  I have a copper coil in an ice bath that chills the tap water before it gets to the wort chiller.  In winter months, I can get down to the mid 50s, but in summer, it is still a push to get below 70 df with tap water for chilling.

I still aerate wort for pitching in the same costco milk jug I have used since day 1, about 25 shakes of a half-ful jug does the trick.

I now have 2 fermentation chambers in the basement.  The first is an old ice-cream freezer that I use for lagering only, it holds up to 3 3-gallon carboys.  It is only set up to cool, it doesn't warm.  The second unit is a college-dorm fridge with a plywood case extending the front, it holds 2 5-gallon carboys, and can either chill or heat, as I added a reptile heater bulb into the side of the box.  The temp controls are just two generic fish-tank controllers rigged to hold the appropriate temperature.  I can have up to 19 gallons in fermentation at any time, but usually have 11 or so, 2 carboys in each chamber.

I bought a funnel-filter to filter out wort from the trub in the bottom of the pot.  Sometimes it takes overnight.

While I still bottle using table sugar as primer for natural carbonation, my latest toy is this keezer I bought second-hand from a guy for $550 and some homebrew.  I priced out the components, which added up to about $1000 worth of stuff, so I think I did OK.  I bought the kegs separately.  Kegging is way easier and makes better beer.  Any beer that is good cold goes into a keg.

So now I make 5+ gallon batches, maybe every 2-3 weeks.  I am a lot more confident on my recipes, and rarely have a batch that I have to choke down, although it still happens occasionally.

Batch 161 Marzen

5 gallons

4 lbs bm dark munich
3.5 lbs mfb pils
1/2 tsp cacl


mash 40 mins 150 df, 30 mins 156 df

boil 90 mins
60 mins 4 gr columbus 14.9%aa, 9 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 1 oz german hallertau 3.8%aa, 1/2 oz mt. hood 5.6%aa, 6 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.046, 84% bhe

Chill overnight in chamber to 55 df for pitching.  Pitch with saflager 34/70 in 1.75 qts 2 stage starter at 55 df, leave at 55 df.

9/12 pm move to 70 df for rest.  9/15 pm move to 65 df.  Drop 5 df per day until 40 df.  Lager at 40 df.

Rack to keg 9/30, 13 psi.  Poor clarity ensues.  Add 1 tsp gelatin dissolved in 1 cup boiled water on 10/6.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Batch 157 Summer Ale tasting notes

Cold from the tap

Yellow, slight haze, tight firm white head that stays, laces heavily

Aroma simple clean malt with sweet ripe fruit, slight bitterness/edge

Mouthfeel light body no cling or cloy, cleans right up

Flavor toasty malt with nice bite at the end, middle is hard to describe: lemon rind with slight hint of bandaid?

Finish clean, quenching, nice bitterness on tongue

Overall, pretty good as a simple summer beverage, a departure from all the melanoidins and hop resins.  Careful with the bleach.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Batch 160 Dubbel

5.25 gallons

8 lbs mfb pilsner
2.5 lbs best malz dark munich
12 oz mfb kiln amber
12 oz mfb cara 120
1 oz briess dark choc

SRM 17

Mash 30 mins at 148 df, 45 mins at 154 df

Boil 90 mins

60 mins 10 gr columbus at 14.9 % aa, 17 IBUs
30 mins 8 oz brown sugar
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
15 mins 1/2 oz mt hood at 5.6 % aa, 4 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.072, 82% bhe

Pitch with W1214 in 1 qt starter at 70 df, leave at 70 df.  Bump to 72 df on 8/20.  Bump to 74 df on 8/21.  Bump to 75 df on 8/22.

Bottle 9/9 with 100 gr table sugar, yield 684 oz, 2.0 vols co2.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Batch 155 Marzen tasting notes

Cold from the tap

Pours slightly hazy orange, tall fine tan head that hangs around, laces

Aroma strong malt beer, malt, slight fruitiness

Mouthfeel moderate body, coats a bit

Flavor sweet malt throughout, pears, bitter at end

Finish mild bitterness, coats a bit, still refreshing

Overall pretty good, maybe a bit too much bittering hops, could push more towards the end of the boil.  Kegging is superior to bottling, with a more crisp character.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Batch 159 Saison

6 Gallons

8 lbs MFB pils
1 lb Best Malz dark Munich
1 lb MFB kiln amber
12 oz rolled oats
3/4 tsp gypsum


Mash 50 mins at 146 df, 20 mins at 154 df

Boil 90 mins

60 mins 11 gr Columbus @ 14.9% aa, 19 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
15 mins 1 oz Mt. Hood @ 5.6% aa, 9 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.053, 82% bhe.

Pitch at 79 df with 1 pkg OYL-500 in 1 qt starter, leave at 79 df.

Bottle 8/18 with 120 gr table sugar, yield 732 oz @ 2.2 vols co2.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Batch 156 IPA tasting notes


Pours hazy orange, nice tight tan head that stays, laces

Aroma big bright fruit, sour grapes/apples/grapefruit

Mouthfeel light-moderate body, dry

Flavor bitter, nice bright fresh fruit punch, bread crust

Finish dry, hoppy bitter, pine

Overall very tolerable, quite a kick, could add some cara and citra to pull both sides further out from center, but this is very fine as-is.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Batch 158 Pilsner

5 gallons

6.5 lbs mfb pils
1 lb best malz dark munich
1/2 tsp each cacl, gypsum


Mash 10 mins 148 df, 55 mins 155 df

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 10 gr columbus 14.9%aa, 22 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 2 oz mt. hood 5.6%aa, 9 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.050, 90% bhe

Pitch at 65 df with 1 packet saflager 34/70 in 1 qt starter, move to 55 df.

Move to 68 df on 7/23 for rest.  Move to 55 df on 7/25.  Drop 5 df per day, start 45 df lagering on 7/27.  Drop to 40 df 8/5.

Keg at some point.  Don't recall if added gelatin or not, probably did.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Batch 154 Saison Tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours crystal golden yellow, healthy coarse white head that lingers

Aroma ripe fruit, curry spice, slight barnyard/horse, a bit soapy

Mouthfeel moderate to thin body, dries off teeth, no cling or cloy here

Flavor malt sweetness up front, barnyard in the middle, hop bitterness at end, ripe pears throughout

Finishes dry, pleasant hop bitterness

Overall, the usual goodness here, do it again.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Batch 157 Summer Ale

6 gallons

9 lbs briess 2 row
1/2 lb MFB kiln amber
1/2 tsp each cacl and gypsum


Mash 146 df 10 mins, 148 df 20 mins, 154 df 45 mins

Boil 60 mins

55 mins 7 gr columbus 15.0%aa, 14 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 1 oz centennial 9.4%aa, 7 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.050, 86% bhe

Pitch with US-05 in 1/2 qt starter, leave at 68 df.

Rack to kegs on 7/20, leave at 14 psi and 38 df.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Batch 153 Pale Lager tasting notes


Pours dark-pee yellow, slight haze, decent smallish course white head that lingers

Aroma just beer, nice balance of clean hop and malt blended, tangy apple/pear

Mouthfeel pretty thin but still there, very heavy carb cleans up, tart but not sour

Flavor just beer, nice fresh fruit impression, pleasant low-level bitterness balanced well off the simple, muted malt flavor

Finishes clean, slight hop bitterness, refreshing.

Overall, really been sucking these down, this is very good simple beer, yeast tartness is spot on, the 2-row vs pils is noticeable but not a downside, just different.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Batch 156 IPA

6.5 gallons

15 lbs briess 2 row
1 lb mfb kiln amber
1/2 lb mfb cara 120
1 tsp gypsum

SRM 11

Mash 154 df 20 mins, 158 df 40 mins

Boil 60 mins
50 mins 10 gr columbus 14.9%aa, 12 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz centennial 10.4%aa, 20 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz chinook 13.4%aa, 16 IBUs
10 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 1/2 oz each centennial and chinook, 6 IBUs

54 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.075, 81% bhe

Pitch at 75 df with 1 pkg S-04 in 3/4 qt starter.  Leave at 68 df.  Dry hop 1/2 oz each centennial and chinook on 6/22.

Bottle 6/29 with 126 gr table sugar, yield 756 oz, 2.3 vols co2.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Batch 152 Porter tasting notes

cellar temp

Pours very clear deep red, big tan head that stays.

Aroma spiced fruit, caramel, toffee

Mouthfeel moderate to toothy, big carb, coats, rusty?

Flavor odd plasticy flavor (from the yeast?), then caramel and roast on top of sweet pears.

Finishes roasty/smokey.

Overall, curious plastic flavor is new today, mostly nice clean yeast crispness in this batch, maybe look into alternate yeast for this recipe?  Malt blend and hop balance seem OK.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Batch 150 Doppelbock tasting notes


Pours milky orange, nice fine light tan head that stays

Aroma butterscotch, sweet fruity malt, with some tartness on top

Mouthfeel moderate/heavy, clings a bit but not overly, leaves light coating

Flavor leans towards malt, but yeast offers crisp tart edge, hop bitterness at end with slight spice, ends on malt bitterness.  Alcohol is well concealed.

Finishes sweet with slight fruit, bitterness.

Overall, not at all syrupy as intended, needs way more dextrins, with a deeper malt dive.  Really a pleasant beer, but more of a high-strength Marzen than a true doppelbock.  Need to investigate available techniques to get that heavy syrup effect.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Batch 151 Dubbel tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours brown/deep red, fairly clear, nice even tan head that drops back after a minute, leaves an edge.

Aroma big sweet candy, pears, bubblegum, brandy, a little earthy on top

Mouthfeel full body, big carb, not clingy or cloying, dries up well.

Flavor moderate sweet yet dries out nicely, pears and bananas and over-ripe cherries, a little roastiness, even bitterness.

Finishes dry, pleasant.

Overall, don't mess with this.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Batch 155 Marzen

5.75 gallons

6 lbs bm dark munich
4 lbs mfb pils
1/2 tsp cacl


Mash 30 mins at 150 df, 40 mins at 156 df.

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 6 gr Columbus 14.9%aa, 12 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
5 mins 1 oz Mt. Hood 5.6%aa, 4 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.053, 85% bhe

Pitch with 2 pkg Saflager 34/70 in 1 qt starter at 60 df, move to 55 df.

5/26 pm move to 70 df for rest.  5/29 noon move to 60 df.  5/30 am drop to 55 df.  Drop to 35 df in 5 df steps, lager at 35 df starting 6/6.

7/8 rack to kegs.  Carb at 38 df on 14 psi Co2.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Batch 154 Saison

6 gallons

8 lbs MFB pilsner
1 lb MFB kiln amber
1 lb best malz dark munich
12 oz rolled oats
3/4 tsp gypsum

Mash 146 df 50 mins, 154 df 20 mins

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 1 oz german northern brewer 4.9%aa, 16 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz homegrown liberties, 5 IBUs
10 mins 1 oz mt hoods 5.6%aa, 7 IBUs
No irish moss

OG into fermenter 1.053, 82%bhe

Pitch at 70 df with OYL500 in 3/4 qt starter, leave at 75 df.

Bottle 4/22 with 107 gr table sugar, yield 738 oz, 2.0 vols co2.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Batch 153 Pale Lager

6 gallons

8 lbs briess 2 row
1 lb best malz dark Munich
1/4 tsp gypsum


Mash 20 mins 148 df, 50 mins 154 df.

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 5 gr Columbus 14.9%aa, 9 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz mt hood 5.6%aa, 15 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
5 mins 2 oz saaz 2.6%aa, 4 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.050, 90% bhe

Abv est 5.3

Pitch with saflager 34/70 in 1.75 Qts 2-stage starter at 65 df, move to 55 df (one carboy left at 68 df overnight).

Move to rest at 68 df 3/30 pm.  Move back to 60 df 4/2 am.  Drop 5 df per day to 45 df.  4/17 drop to 40 df.  4/19 drop to 35 df.

Bottle 4/22 with 107 gr table sugar, yield 706 oz, 2.3 vols co2.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Batch 152 Porter

4.5 gallons

4.5 lbs briess 2 row
4.5 lbs best malz dark munich
1 lb mfb kiln amber
12 oz mfb cara 120
8 oz tfs brown
2 oz briess dark choc
1/2 tsp soda

SRM 24

mash 148 df 10 mins, 154 df 50 mins

boil 75 mins
60 mins, 7 gr columbus 14.9%aa, 16 IBUs
60 mins, 5 gr german northern brewer 10.5%aa, 8 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 oz mt hood 5.6%aa, 6 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss

OG into fermenter 1.067, 75% bhe

Pitch with w1084 in 3/4 qt starter at 72df, leave at 72 df.

Bottle 3/25 with 103 gr table sugar, yield 624 oz, 2.2 vols co2.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Batch 149 Saison tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours golden gold, firm tall white head that drops back, very clear

Aroma big barnyard, fresh fruit, sweet malt

Mouthfeel thin-moderate body, dry, big carb doesn't annoy

Flavor barnyard with fresh fruit, malt sweetness, pleasant bitterness

Finish nice hop bite at end, dry

Overall don't mess with this, could go back to coriander, but really not needed.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Batch 147 Pils tasting notes


Pours light gold, slight haze, thin coarse white head that drops back

Aroma vinous, almost like wine, simple sweetness

Mouthfeel big carb, light body, almost no tooth here

Flavor kind of butterscotch sweetness, bland, dull.

Finish almost nothing, kind of sweet.

Overall needs diacetyl rest badly, possible oxidation issues, very possibly under-pitched, no tartness or crispness, hops nearly undetectable, just not a good beer.  Choke this one down, don't EVER skip a diacetyl rest again, I don't care how cold you pitch.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Batch 151 Dubbel

5.5 gallons

clearing out a bunch of old grains

3.5 lbs tfs maris otter
1 lb bm pils
3.5 lbs bm vienna
2.5 lbs bm dark munich
1.25 lbs flaked wheat
12 oz mfb cara120
12 oz mfb kiln amber
2 oz briess dark choc

Mash 148 df 30 mins, 154 df 45 mins

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 13 gr german northern brewer 10.5%aa, 15 IBUs
30 mins 6 oz brown sugar
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
15 mins 1/2 oz mt. hood 5.6%aa, 5 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.072, 78%bhe

Pitch at 70 df with w1214 in 3/4 qt 2-step starter, leave at 70 df.  Bump to 72 df on 2/12.  Bump to 75 df on 2/13.

Bottle 3/2 with 110 gr table sugar, yield 648 oz, 2.2 vols co2.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Batch 148 APA tasting notes


Pours quite hazy deep gold, solid fine white head that stays

Aroma fruit and more fruit, apples with orange citrus, slight bready malt in background

Mouthfeel light to moderate, cleans up quick but bitter at end

Flavor fruit punch followed by sharp bitter edge, malt is sweet and not quite meeting the hops, no burn or heat, overall pleasant bitterness.

Finish is clean bitterness, slight cloy around edge.

Overall could use a little more specialty malt, hops are pleasant and still offer a sharp bite, could use a little more abv to balance hops.  Should try blending with chinooks:  just centennial and chinook.  And more amber.  Bump abv 0.5%.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Batch 150 Doppelbock

5.5 gallons

6.5 lbs bm pils
6.5 lbs bm dark munich
1 tsp cacl

double docoction
infuse to 136 df, pull 1/4 to boil. return in 10 mins, 150 df.  pull 1/4 to boil, return in 10 mins, 157 df.  40 mins at 157 df.

boil 90 mins

60 mins 10 gr german northern brewer 10.5%aa, 11.5 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
10 mins 2 oz saaz 2.2% aa, 5 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.078, 89% bhe

pitch at 55 df with saflager 34/70 in 1 qt 2 step starter.  leave at 55 df.

move to 68 df for rest on 2/8pm.  rack to secondary 2/11am, return to 60 df.  drop 5 df per day until 35 df for lagering.

Bottle 3/12 with 108 gr table sugar, yield 624 oz, 2.5 vols co2.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Batch 146 Stout tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours black with minimal fine tan head that hugs edge to the bottom

Aroma cocoa/coffee, subtle woody fruit, some alcohol tang

Mouthfeel pretty robust tooth, yet sweet and clean, not astringent or cloying

Flavor coffee, chocolate, stone fruit with malt sweetness, slight burn met with bitterness

Finish coats well, even balance, sweet, slight astringency after a few breaths

Overall oak is about the right amount here, outstanding example of imperial stout, can't think of anything to improve, except maybe bump the carb a little.  Impossibly drinkable.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Batch 144 Marzen tasting notes


Pours orange, some haze, dramatic off white head.

Aroma sweet malt forward, fresh apple/pear,

Mouthfeel light body, heavy carb clears it off quick, some coating.

Flavor bitter up front not right for the malt, significant hop spice/earthy.  Malt sweetness is clean, even and not cloying, but overpowered.

Finish some malty coating at the back, not particularly refreshing, more just bitter.

Overall way too much hops, could easily halve the IBUs, push a more continental hop to the end of the boil.  Yeast seems bright and works with the malt.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Batch 145 Tripel tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours deep gold, clear with slight haze, small white head that drops back.

Aroma big banana ester, slight tang, alcohol.

Mouth feel moderate body, sweet, clean, nothing clingy or cloying.

Flavor sweet almost plastic-y stone fruit/banana ester, crisp hop edge without real hop flavor, simple malt way in the background.

Finish is about perfect, cleans up very well, leaves pleasant sweetness, want more.

Overall, maybe too heavy on the esters, could drop fermentation temp a bit, early samples seemed underpitched, but time in the bottle cleaned it up some.  Pick up some booze in the aroma, but flavor is well balanced.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Batch 149 Saison

5.5 gallons

9 lbs bm pils
2 lbs bm dark munich
1 lb flaked wheat
3/4 tsp gyp


mash 50 mins @ 146df, 20 mins @ 154df

boil 90 mins

60 mins 1 oz german northern brewer 9.6%aa, 33 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 1 oz mt hood 5.6%aa, 4 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.062, 76% bhe

pitch at 75 df with oyl500 in 3/4 qt starter, leave at 75 df.  Bump to 77 df at 7 days.

bottle 1/28 with 100 gr table sugar, yield 660 oz, 2.0 vols co2.