This is just my brewing notebook, which works better than my old spiral. I have no other motivation for keeping this.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Batch 200 Tripel
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Batch 199 Amber Lager
7.5 lbs weyermann's floor malted bohemian pilsner
4 oz carafa I
4 oz mfb cara 120
no salts
SRM 14
Mash 20 mins at 151 df, 50 mins at 158 df
Boil 90 mins
60 mins 7 gr chinook at 12.7%aa, 14 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 1 oz sorachi ace at 12.9%aa, 11 IBUs
OG into fermenter 1.050, 83% bhe
Pitch with 1 pkg saflager 34/70 in 1.5 qt 2-step starter at 65 df, move to 55 df. Move to 70 df on 11/26 am for rest. Move back to 60 df on 11/29, drop 5 df per day to 45 df. Lager at 45 df starting 12/3.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Batch 198 Northern English Brown
Friday, October 25, 2019
Batch 196 Saison tasting notes
Pours bright gold, coarse white head that drops back but hangs at edge, light lacing
Aroma soap-perfume with horsey edge
Mouthfeel moderate body, cleans right up, dry
Flavor big horse blanket, fresh fruit, bitter
Finish crisp bitterness in back, dry
Overall this is fine, maybe a bit too much bittering hops. Higher temp for fermentation brings out horsey flavor/aroma and a curious soapiness (not in a bad way). 'Goes down easy,' per Paul Wilkie
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Batch 195 Marzen light tasting notes
Pours bright orange with fine white head that drops back slowly, lingers, laces nicely
Aroma ripe apples/pears, malt forward mixed with tart yeast, mild india spice in background
Mouthfeel light body, crisp, yet still leaves impression of light coating
Flavor very malt forward, almost crunchy with it at the end, more fruity up front with hints of spice, hop bitterness
Finishes astringently malty, slight coating, bitter in the back
Overall seems like it needs more alcohol to balance the malt, otherwise a solid example here.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Batch 194 Stones Arrogant Bastard Clone tasting notes
Deep orange brown, cloudy, fine white head that stays, laces
Aroma pine, slight sweet malt
Mouthfeel chunky, some coating
Flavor big crisp pine, nice sweet malt backbone
Finish cleans up pretty good, slight coating, nice crisp bitterness
Overall good example, good beer, should try gelatin next time, maybe mash at lower temp.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Batch 193 Baltic Porter tasting notes
Pours deep brown, cloudy, fine tan head that hangs around, laces
Aroma chocolate with caramel, some indian spice
Mouthfeel light to moderate body, cleans up well
Flavor heavy roast, coffee, sweet, tang and bitter at the end
Finishes nice and clean, some coffee roastiness.
Overall drinks pretty easy, nice roast flavor here, hops and yeast balance well, would repeat over a stout.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Batch 192 Tripel tasting notes
Pours very clear deep golden, tall white head with coarse bubbles, slowly drops back
Aroma big tropical fruit/banana, sweet maltiness, mild indian spice
Mouthfeel moderate body, filling, some cling/coating
Flavor pleasant ester-forward malt, nice bitterness as off-set, slight indian spice underneath, no noticeable heat
Finishes with a little coating, balanced bitterness, want more
Overall this is the current go-to beer in the stable, really a winner, superb example here. Nothing to improve here. Sneaky kick.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Batch 197 Pilsner
1 lb best malz dark munich
1/2 tsp cacl
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
5 mins 2oz saaz at 2.8 %aa, 5 IBUs
Move to 65 df for rest 10/18 pm, move back to 60 df 10/21 am, drop 5 df twice per day until 45 df, start lagering 10/23 at 45 df.
Transfer to keg 11/7 with 1 tsp gelatin, leave at 38 df on 10 psi.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Batch 196 Saison
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Batch 195 Marzen light
2.5 lbs weyermanns floor malted boh pils
No Salts
60 mins 5 gr Columbus at 17.3 %aa, 12 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
5 mins 2oz saaz at 2.8%aa, 4 IBUs
Rack to keg 9/25 with 1 tsp gelatin, leave at 38 df on 10 psi.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Batch 190 Saison tasting notes
Pours clear yellow gold, titanic white head that eventually drops back (must be contaminated, or a total bust in the primer calcs, or possibly not completely done when bottled)
Aroma big barnyard horseblanket, some malt sweetness, dishrag at back
Mouthfeel a little chunky and sweet
Flavor hop bitterness, big barnyard, some malt bitterness, then hop bitters again
Finishes a little sweet, plenty of hop bitterness
Overall seems not fully fermented out in the carboy, maybe some contamination here. Watch out for junk in the final transfer (chunks in the bottom). Hop bitterness is too heavy here. Needs to be drier and less IBUs.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Batch 194 Stones arrogant bastard clone
1 lb MFB Cara 120
1 tsp gypsum
154 df 50 mins
30 mins 1 oz Chinook @ 12.8%aa, 35 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
10 mins 1 oz Chinook @ 12.8%aa, 16 IBUs
1 oz Chinook @12.8%aa at flame out
Rack to keg 8/17, leave at 38 df on 12 psi.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Batch 191 IPA tasting notes
Pours dark orange, cloudy, tight tan head that stays, laces big-time
Aroma tart-fruity maple
Mouthfeel light to moderate body, light tang on roof of mouth, cleans up pretty quickly
Flavor bitter citrus, heavy orange/lemon peel, overpowers malt sweetness way in background
Finish clean, hop-bitter, slight cling
Overall more bitter than hop-flavored, either not strong enough or too much bittering hops (going with the latter).
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Batch 188 Imperial Stout tasting notes
Pours opaque black with tall tan head that lingers, some course bubbles
Aroma tart roast with indian spice
Mouthfeel thick and dry, cleans right up at end
Flavor big crunchy roast, burnt, some prunes or stone fruit, light tropical esters at end, a little heat/gasoline
Finishes pretty clean, a little plastic, dry roast balanced (not nearly enough hops)
Overall a pretty dry and strong example here, too much dark roast, not enough hops, probably should cool down fermentation a bit, as well. Go back a couple versions to get a less intense version. Drunk already!
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Batch 189 Pilsner tasting notes
Pours golden yellow, tall fine white head, slight haze
Aroma sweet fresh fruit, herbal, grain/malt in back
Mouthfeel moderate body, malt present but not coating
Flavor slightly sweet bitter beer, maybe a bit grainy
Finish slightly on the hop bite side, refreshing, slight metal.
Overall, could fine with gelatin to drop out haze, otherwise this is fine beer. Burps like malted milk.
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Batch 193 Baltic Porter
8 lbs best malz dark munich
4 lbs weyermanns floor malted boh pils
8 oz mfb kiln amber
6 oz mfb cara 120
4 oz briess roast barley
2 oz briess chocolate
2 oz pauls brown
SRM 25
Mash 15 mins at 142 df, 50 mins at 153 df
Boil 90 mins
60 mins 12 gr columbus 17.3%aa, 26 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz mt. hood 5.5%aa, 15 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 1 oz saaz 2.8%aa, 2 IBUs
OG into fermenter 1.074, 75% bhe
Pitch with 34/70 in 3/4 qt strong starter at 70 df, move to 55 df. Move to 72 df on 7/12 for rest. Move to 65 df on 7/14, drop by 5 df/day until 45 df, lager at 45 df starting 7/18.
Rack to keg 8/10, leave at 38 df on 12 psi.
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Batch 192 Tripel
1 lb best malz dark munich
8 oz rolled oats
8 oz cheerios
1/2 tsp cacl
Mash 60 mins at 156 df
60 mins 4 gr Columbus at 14.5% aa, 2 oz Columbus at 17.3% aa, 9 IBUs
30 mins 6 gr Columbus at 17.3% aa, 7 IBUs
20 mins 1 lb brown sugar
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
5 mins 2 oz saaz at 2.8% aa, 4 IBUs
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Batch 191 IPA
5 gallons
7 lbs chateau pale
5.75 lbs weyermanns floor malted boh pils
12 oz mfb Cara 120
1 tsp gypsum
SRM 13
Mash 70 mins at 156 df
Boil 90 mins
60 mins 7 gr Columbus at 14.5% aa, 11 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz centennials 10.8% aa, 27 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz centennials 10.8% aa, 17 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
5 mins 1/2 oz each centennials and motueka 7.2% aa, 6 IBUs
OG into fermenter 1.072, 71% bhe
Pitch with s-04 in 3/4 qt starter at 70 df, leave at 70 df. Dry hop with 1/2 oz each motueka and centennials on 5/16.
Rack to keg 6/2, leave over 10 psi at 38 df.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Batch 190 Saison
1 lb best malz dark munich
1 lb rolled oats
1/2 lb mfb kiln amber
15 mins 1 oz mt hood at 5.5%aa, 10 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Batch 187 Marzen tasting notes
Pours bright orange with fine white head
Aroma sweet caramel with tart fruitiness
Mouthfeel light/moderate body, clean, slight coating
Flavor malt bite with tart crispness right behind, bitterness at back of tongue at end
Finish hop bitterness at back of tongue, cleanses nicely, want more
Overall fine example, maybe slight dirt from re-used yeast, otherwise rich malt-balanced refreshing beverage.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Batch 186 IPA tasting notes
Cloudy rust-water orange, very tall fine tan head that laces
Aroma fruity hop (hawaiian) punch, grapefruit/pineapple, slight malt background
Mouthfeel fairly thin body, clean, crisp, slight coating at end but just barely
Flavor bitter fruit punch, complex tropical fruit/peel, tart not sweet
Finish nice hop bitterness in back, refreshing
Overall a very pleasant beverage, very well balanced, looks cloudy but amazingly clean to drink.
Friday, March 8, 2019
Batch 185 Porter hop dump tasting notes
Cold from tap
Pours cloudy orange-brown, tall fine tan head that stays and laces
Aroma solid malt with roasty edge, bright fruit, grassy
Mouthfeel pretty toothy, but clears with odd grass thing
Flavor big grassy fruit on top of nice roast malt
Finish odd sour/green bitterness
Overall: never squeeze out whole hops, just let them drain, whatever the loss. Hops have pretty decent bite this year, but this is a bit too hoppy on the bitterness scale to have balance/be pleasant. Maybe try more of an IPA base without squeezing out the hops? Or just bury them in other stuff, don't use for aroma/flavor.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Batch 189 Pilsner
1 lb best malz dark munich
1/2 tsp cacl
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 2 oz saaz at 2.8%aa, 5 IBUs
3/4 pm move to 68 df for rest. Return to 58 df on 3/6 pm. Drop to 45 df over 2 days (3/9-3/10).
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Batch 188 Imperial Stout
1.5 lb muntons roasted barley
1 lb weyermanns choc wheat
1 lb mfb kiln amber
1 lb flaked oats
3 oz peated malt
15 whole coffee beans
75 mins 2 oz galena 13.5%aa, 69 IBUs
75 mins 1/3 tsp baking soda
35 mins 1/2 oz centennials 10.8%aa, 11 IBUs
25 mins 1 tsp dry irish moss
15 mins 1/2 oz centennials 10.8%aa, 7 IBUs
2/3 rack to secondary, add 1 lb cane sugar to get to OG 1.100, dry packet of Nottingham yeast, 1 oz centennial hop pellets 10.8%aa, leave at 75 df.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Batch 184 Pilsner tasting notes
Pours light gold, clear, tall fine white head that stays, laces
Aroma malt front, fresh fruit (apples pears), south asian spice
Mouthfeel light body, slight cling at end, mostly cleansing
Flavor sweet malt front, asian spice, nice bitter at end
Finish slight cling, round bitterness
Overall very good, not quite tart enough, could use a bit more bitterness. Somehow got aerated?