12 lbs weyermanns munich#1
4 oz Special B
2.5 oz toasted (4 oz caught on fire, rinsed of ashes) munich, maybe 400l
SRM 17
Mash at 148 df 50 mins, 154 df 20 mins
Boil 90 mins
60 mins 10 gr Columbus at 16.8%aa, 22 IBUs
10 mins 1/2 oz Nelson Sauvin ar 11.7%aa, 8 IBUs
OG into fermenter 1.061, 65%bhe (failure to stir properly)
Pitch with 34/70 in 3/4 qt starter at 65 df, put at 55 df.
Rest on 12/24 at 65df. Put at 55 df on 1/1. Reduce to 45 df on 1/3.
Keg on 1/7, leave on 12 psi at 38 df.