Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Batch 235 Dunkel

5 gallons

8 lbs Prairie Munich
4 oz Special B
no salts

SRM 12

Mash at 145 df for 15 mins, 150 df for 30 mins, 154 df for 20 mins

Boil 65 mins 
60 mins 6 gr Columbus @ 16.2 %aa, 15 IBUs 
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss 
7 mins 1 oz Hallertau Mittelfruh @ 4.1 %aa, 5 IBUs 

OG into fermenter 1.044, 80% bhe

Pitch at 70 df on 34/70 cake from pilsner, leave at 55 df. 

7/17 move for rest to 72 df.  7/19 move back to 55 df.  7/20 drop to 45 df.

Friday, July 1, 2022

Batch 234 Tripel

 6 gallons

12 lbs prairie pils
2.5 lbs prairie munich
1 lb rolled oats
1 tsp cacl


Mash at 150 10 mins, 154 df 60 mins

Boil 75 mins 
60 mins 11 gr Columbus at 16.2 %aa, 18 IBUs
45 mins 1 lb brown sugar 
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss 
5 mins 2oz saaz at 3.2% aa, 7 IBUs 

OG into fermenter 1.080, 78% bhe

Pitch at 75 df with w1214 in 1 qt starter, leave at 70 df.  Raise to 75 df 7/3, back to 72 df 7/6.  Keg 7/15, leave at 38 df on 12 psi.  Rack to second keg 7/20.  Take on road to RAGBRAI.