8 lbs Cargill munich
6 oz mfb Cara 120
1 tsp cacl
SRM 13
Mash 146 df for 10 mins, pull 1/4 for decoction, return in 10 mins, 152 df for 40 mins, pull 1/4 for decoction, return in 10 mins for mashout to 162 df.
Boil 90 mins
60 mins 5 gr Columbus at 15.8%aa, 11 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss, 1 oz saaz at 3.2 %aa, 6 IBUs
OG into fermenter 1.053, 93% bhe
Pitch with US-05 in 1 qt starter at 70 df, leave at 55 df. Keg 9/14 with 1 tsp gelatin, leave at 38 df on 13 psi.