Saturday, March 23, 2019

Batch 190 Saison

5.5 gallons

8 lbs weyermanns flr malted boh pils
1 lb best malz dark munich
1 lb rolled oats
1/2 lb mfb kiln amber
3/4 tsp gypsum


Mash at 146 df for 50 mins, 154 df for 20 mins

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 11 gr Columbus at 14.5%aa, 20 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz mt hood at 5.5%aa, 10 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss

OG into fermenter 1.058, 84% bhe

Pitch at 70 df with 1 pkg OYL500 in 3/4 qt starter. Leave at 75 df.

Bottle 4/14 with 101 gr table sugar, 2.1 vols co2, yield 654 Oz. 

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Batch 187 Marzen tasting notes

Cold from tap

Pours bright orange with fine white head

Aroma sweet caramel with tart fruitiness

Mouthfeel light/moderate body, clean, slight coating

Flavor malt bite with tart crispness right behind, bitterness at back of tongue at end

Finish hop bitterness at back of tongue, cleanses nicely, want more

Overall fine example, maybe slight dirt from re-used yeast, otherwise rich malt-balanced refreshing beverage.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Batch 186 IPA tasting notes

Cold from tap

Cloudy rust-water orange, very tall fine tan head that laces

Aroma fruity hop (hawaiian) punch, grapefruit/pineapple, slight malt background

Mouthfeel fairly thin body, clean, crisp, slight coating at end but just barely

Flavor bitter fruit punch, complex tropical fruit/peel, tart not sweet

Finish nice hop bitterness in back, refreshing

Overall a very pleasant beverage, very well balanced, looks cloudy but amazingly clean to drink.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Batch 185 Porter hop dump tasting notes

Cold from tap

Pours cloudy orange-brown, tall fine tan head that stays and laces

Aroma solid malt with roasty edge, bright fruit, grassy

Mouthfeel pretty toothy, but clears with odd grass thing

Flavor big grassy fruit on top of nice roast malt

Finish odd sour/green bitterness

Overall: never squeeze out whole hops, just let them drain, whatever the loss.  Hops have pretty decent bite this year, but this is a bit too hoppy on the bitterness scale to have balance/be pleasant.  Maybe try more of an IPA base without squeezing out the hops?  Or just bury them in other stuff, don't use for aroma/flavor.