Friday, August 31, 2018

Batch 177 APA tasting notes

Cold from bottle

Pours deep orange slightly hazy solid fine white tan head that lingers, laces

Aroma bright fruit punch with lemon lime highlights, subtle sweetness

Mouthfeel medium body, cleansing and nice carb pop

Flavor big fruity hop with bitter citrus peel on toast (biscuit), malt sweetness very subtle at the end

Finishes clean and quenching, nice bitterness on tongue without dryness

Overall a very pleasant beverage, no need to change.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Batch 180 Arrogant Bastard clone

5 gallons

5.5 lbs chateau pale
5.5 lbs best malz pils
1 lb mfb cara 120
1 tsp gypsum

SRM 15

Mash 30 mins 150 df, 40 mins 154 df  Note on mash: very thick at end, poor mixing stunted efficiency.

Boil 75 mins
60 mins 3/4 oz chinook 11.6%aa, 30 IBUs
20 mins 3/4 oz chinook 11.6%aa, 18 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
10 mins 3/4 oz chinook 11.6%aa, 11 IBUs
3/4 oz chinook 11.6%aa at flameout, 5 IBUs 

OG into fermenter 1.064, 72% bhe

Pitch with S-04 in 3/4 qt strong starter at 75 df, leave at 60 df.

Rack to keg ~ 9/15, leave on 12 psi at 38 df.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Batch 179 Baltic Porter

5 gallons

6 lbs 12 oz best malz munich
4 lbs chateau pale
1 lb 4 oz best malz dark munich
8 oz mfb kiln amber
6 oz mfb cara 120
4 oz briess roast barley
2 oz briess chocolate
2 oz peated malt

SRM 21

Mash 15 mins 142 df, 55 mins 153 df

Boil 90 mins
60 mins 14 gr columbus @ 14.5%aa, 24 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz mt hood @5.6%aa, 14 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 1 oz saaz @2.8%aa, 2 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.074, 75% bhe

Pitch with 1 pkg saflager 34/70 in 1-1/2 qt 2 stage starter at 68 df, move to 55 df.  8/22 am move to 70 df for d-rest.  Drop 5 df per day starting 8/25 until 45 df reached for lagering on 8/30.