5.5 gallons
6 lbs best malz dark munich
4 lbs best malz pilsner
1/2 tsp cacl
Mash 70 mins at 150 df
Boil 90 mins
60 mins 16 gr german northern brewer 9.6%aa, 18 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
10 mins 1 oz falconers flight 7Cs 9.1%aa, 11 IBUs
29 IBUs
OG into fermenter 1.054, 80%bhe
Pitch with Saflager W34/70 in 2 qts 2-step starter at 55 df. Leave at 55 df.
Rack on 11/5, return to 55 df. Starting 11/7, drop 5 df per day until 35 df.
Bottle 12/8 with 110 gr table sugar, yield 684 oz, 2.5 vols co2 (55 df calc).