Saturday, October 22, 2016

Batch 144 Marzen

5.5 gallons

6 lbs best malz dark munich
4 lbs best malz pilsner
1/2 tsp cacl


Mash 70 mins at 150 df

Boil 90 mins

60 mins 16 gr german northern brewer 9.6%aa, 18 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
10 mins 1 oz falconers flight 7Cs 9.1%aa, 11 IBUs

29 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.054, 80%bhe

Pitch with Saflager W34/70 in 2 qts 2-step starter at 55 df.  Leave at 55 df.
Rack on 11/5, return to 55 df.  Starting 11/7, drop 5 df per day until 35 df.

Bottle 12/8 with 110 gr table sugar, yield 684 oz, 2.5 vols co2 (55 df calc).

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Batch 143 Saison

6 gallons

9 lbs best malz pils
2 lbs best malz dark munich
1 lb flaked wheat
3/4 tsp gypsum


mash 50  mins at 146 df, 15 mins at 154 df.

boil 90 mins
60 mins 14 gr citra @ 11.0%aa, 17 IBUs
60 mins 1 oz homegrown centennials with 10 gr willamette, 15 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish mossë
15 mins 1 lb brown sugar
10 mins 10 gr cracked toasted coriander
5 mins 1 oz styrian celia @ 2.6%aa, 2 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.066, 78% bhe

pitch with w3711 in 2/3 qt starter at 75 df, leave at 75 df.

Bottle 10/29 with 110 gr table sugar.  Yield 774 oz, 2.0 vols co2.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Batch 140 Nut brown tasting notes


Pours super tall head (uneven batch, some have way less carb) billowy white, translucent brown, orange highlights, hazy

Aroma dishsoap, earthy, sweet malt, mild curry spice

Mouthfeel toothy, moderate to heavy body, cleans up quickly and doesn't really coat.

Flavor sweet syrup, malt bitterness, over-ripe apple, hop bitters at the way back

Finishes clean, leaves with hop bitterness, not clingy or cloying.

Overall could probably use lower pH, is my cara 120 getting old?  And where is the dishrag from - homegrown Willamettes? Perhaps w1469 is not the yeast for this - US-05 would likely do better here.  Could lower IBUs by a chunk.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Batch 139 Doppelbock tasting notes


Pours brown with translucent orange hues, hazy, nice even light tan head that laces

Aroma tart malt bite, fruit, bright, almost but not quite soapy

Mouthfeel moderate body, odd coating, cleans up with carb, refreshingly

Flavor strong malt bitterness, with tart fruit hop/yeast blend right there, hop bitterness too heavy at end, a tad boozy at the end.

Finishes with hop bitterness and alcohol warmth.  

Overall, just doesn't have that round malt syrup feel I was going for here.  Very drinkable and pleasant, but strong and not to style.  Need way more body, less hop bittering, although the hop flavors are pleasant and work well here.  Maybe start decoct at higher temp, and go with more munich.  Push hops further towards end of boil, lower IBUs at least 5, maybe 10.  Gelatin for clearing at the end?