Saturday, April 30, 2016

Batch 136 Boh Pils

5.75 gallons

9 lbs bm pils
8 oz bm dark munich
1/4 tsp gypsum


Mash 20 mins at 148 df, 50 mins at 155 df, pH 4.6

Boil 90 mins

75 mins 3 gr simcoe 12.3%aa, 5 IBUs
60 mins 2 oz saaz 2.8%aa, 21 IBUs
15 mns 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 2 oz saaz 2.8%aa, 4 IBUs

30 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.053, 84%bhe

Pitch with W2124 in 1-1/2 qt 2 step starter at 60 df, move to 55 df for primary.

Move to 68 df 5/12 for rest.  5/14 rack to secondary, move back to 55 df.  Drop 5 df per day until 35 df for lagering.

Bottle 6/16 with 100 gr table sugar, yield 720 oz, 2.5 vols co2?

Friday, April 29, 2016

Batch 131 Witbier tasting notes


Pale yellow, fine haze, moderate billowy white head

Aroma anise/fennel, sweet fruit

Mouthfeel big carb, thin with slight tooth at end, clingy

Flavor big licorice, bitter at the end.  Funky tartness just not right.

Finish, candy coating, hop bitterness.

Overall not very pleasant, ran primary way too cool, apparently.  Probably under pitched, as well. Big annoying phenolics, no esters.  Spice is lost, as is hop flavor/aroma.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Batch 135 APA

6 gallons

6.25 lbs bm pils
6.25 lbs maris otter, mostly tfs (some muntons)
18oz mfb cara 120
1 tsp gypsum

SRM 15

Mash 20 mins 146 df, 50 mins 152 df.

Boil 75 mins

60 mins add 7gr northern brewer at 9.6aa%, 7 IBUs
60 mins 0.75 oz chinook 11.1aa%, 30 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 oz amarillo 8.4aa% 7 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp irish moss
5 mins 1/2 oz centennial 10.5aa% 3 IBUs
5 mins 1/4 oz chinook 11.1aa% 2 IBUs
flameout 1/4 oz each amarillo and simcoe 12.3%aa

50 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.067, 78% bhe

Pitch at 70 df with s-04 in 2/3 qt starter, leave at 68 df.  Rack 4/24 with 1/4oz each simcoe and amarillo, 1/2 oz each centennial and citra 14.1%aa.  Leave at 68 df.

Bottle 5/7 with 125 gr table sugar, yield 664 oz, 2.5 vols co2.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Batch 130 Schwarzbier tasting notes


Pours very dark red brown clear, slight foam at edges, clearly undercarbed

Aroma bright stone fruit, subtle malt sweetness, clean

Mouthfeel light body, no cling or cloy, rinses nicely

Flavor ripe fresh red apples, roast edge near end, tiny bitterness at end, subtle roast plays off hops, very bright yeast

Finishes very clean, roast closely followed by subtle hop bitterness.

Overall, needs more carbonation, but otherwise this is very well balanced and tasty.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Batch 129 IPA tasting notes


Cloudy orange with big uneven tan head

Bright citrus aroma, kind of tart fruity, slight sweet malt beneath

Mouthfeel big carb, light to moderate body, no cling

Flavor big wall of hops, grapefruit, pine, a little earthy, bitter.  Malt could be a little sweeter, but is interesting enough, doesn't interfere.

Finish, hop bitterness but not too biting, IBUs about right here.

Overall, citra may be a bit much, could sub some out with centennial, basically very good.