This is just my brewing notebook, which works better than my old spiral. I have no other motivation for keeping this.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Batch 117 Marzen tasting notes
Pours clear golden orange, very big fine light tan head that stays.
Aroma solid malt with tangy fruity highlights, under-ripe pears.
Mouthfeel light-moderate body, big carb cleans up any cling.
Flavor big melanoidin malt up front, pure hop bitterness (no real hop flavor), not quite enough hops to balance the malt. Yeast fruitiness/freshness is good but subtle.
Finish nice clean up with carb and hop bitterness, want more.
Overall nice representation, maybe try some chinook for more hop character, add 5 ibus. Malt bill is good, could reduce mash temperature and drop munich % a bit.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Batch 118 porter tasting notes
Cellar temp
Massive head, many gushers in batch, clear deep brown red, tan head
Aroma malty with sweet chocolate roast, some dirt on top.
Mouthfeel moderate to thick body, plasticy oddness, clingy sweetness
Flavor nice sweet roasty malt, needs more hop punch.
Finish mild astringency and roast bitterness, sweetness cloys some.
Overall very good Porter, should bump IBUs and late hops, start with fresh yeast.
Batch 124 IPA
4.5 gallons
5 lbs muntons Maris otter
4 lbs best malz pils
10 oz MFB cara120
1/2 tsp gypsum
Mash148 df 20 mins, 156 df 50 mins
Boil 90 mins
60 mins 14 gr Chinook 13%aa, 28 IBUs
30 mins 1 oz homegrown centennial, 23 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
5 mins 1/2 oz citra 12.7%aa, 5 IBUs
Flameout 1/2 oz Chinook 13%aa and 1/2 oz falconers flight 9.9% aa
60 IBUs
OG 1.060 into fermenter, 79% bhe
Pitch with s-04 in 1/2 qt starter at 75 df, leave at 65 df.
Rack to secondary 11/29, dry hop 1/2 oz citra, 1/2 oz falconers, 10 gr Chinook. Return to 65 df, basement drops to 62 df.
Bottle 12/9 with 68 gr table sugar, 2.1 vols co2, yield 504 oz.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Batch 119 IPA tasting notes
Pours milky orange brown, big fine tan head that builds and stays
Bright fruity aroma with hints of pine, malt in background
Mouthfeel low moderate body, cleans up fast, no cling or cloy
Flavor bitter fruit punch, big fruity hop flavor up front, bitterness hits fast, shy on malt interest although some mild sweetness does persist/work off hops. Alcohol is apparent way at end, very well balanced.
Finishes very clean and refreshing, leaves pleasant hop bitterness, strong but you don't notice on the palate.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Batch 123 Russian Imperial Stout
7 lbs muntons Maris otter
24 oz briess roast barley
20 oz weyermanns choc wheat
12 oz flaked wheat
1/4 tsp soda
90 mins 2 oz galena 13.8%aa, 63 IBUs
70 mins 2.5 oz homegrown Willamette, 15 IBUs
10 mins 2 lbs white table sugar
5 mins 1 oz homegrown centennial 2 IBUs
Rack to secondary 11/14, dry hop with 1 oz falconers flight. Leave at 70 df. Bump to 75 df 11/18.