Something hoppy, almost out of IPA.
Rev anti hero clone? Worth a try.
This is just my brewing notebook, which works better than my old spiral. I have no other motivation for keeping this.
Cellar temp
Pours big tan head, black with brown edges, foam stays, billows
Aroma sweet/soapy roast malt, spice/earth hop buried deep.
Mouthfeel nice thick body but clean
Flavor sweet roast with bitterness on top, followed by vanilla/caramel candy
Finish hop cleansing notable, sweetness blends with chocolate, last impression is battle between hop bitterness and sweet roast malt.
Overall, interesting, big hops are nice feature, but a bit cloying on the sweetness, grain only works because of big hop presence. HG Centennial hops are solid. Brown malt lends smoky flavor to roast, probably a bit much.
3 gallons
2 lbs muntons Maris otter
2 lbs best malz Vienna
1 lb TFS golden promise
1 lb best malz dark Munich
1/2 lb TFS brown
1/2 lb MFB kiln amber
1/2 lb MFB caramel 120
2 oz weyermanns choc wheat
1/4 tsp soda
SRM 24
Mash 130 df 10 mins, 152 df 70 mins, pH 5.0
Boil 75 mins
60 mins 3.5 gr galena 13.9%aa, 10 IBUs
30 mins 1/2 oz sorachi ace 11.9%aa, 27 IBUs
15 mins 1 oz Willamette 4.8%aa, 13 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 tsp Irish moss
50 IBUs
OG into fermenter 1.066, 3.1 gals, 74% bhe.
Abv est 6.3%
Pitch with w1084 in 1 qt starter, move to 66 df. Full krausen, run up to 72df in 18 hrs, move to 64 df to bring down to 66 df for primary.
Rack to secondary 1/16/15, leave at 66 df.
Bottle 1/30/15 with 55 gr table sugar, yield 360 oz, 2.2 vols co2.
Cellar temp
Pours clear gold, slight haze, giant white head that stays, carbonation uneven in this batch, back to the bucket.
Aroma, barnyard with earthy hops on top, sweet malt beneath. Horsy yeast is dominant, offset nicely with hops.
Mouth feel medium body, coats mouth, then cleans it back up.
Flavor barnyard up front, refreshing bitterness behind, on top of toothy malt sweetness. Nice balance of flavors.
Finish cleansing bitterness as sweetness dwindles.
Overall, this is delicious. Stock saison here. Don't mess with the recipe.
Pours very dark brown, a tad cloudy, perfect 1 inch tan head, laces and stays.
Aroma pine citrus up front with mild sweet malt behind as it warms.
Mouth feel toothy but clean, moderate to light body, not clingy or cloying.
Flavor pine with a hint of citrus bitterness, crisp sweetness.
Finish big growling bitterness, hop bite, cleansing.
Overall, very good replica here, could maybe build up yeast more, but this is a crowd pleaser.