Side by side with fat tire
Pours darker, slightly cloudier than ft
Head the same color and size, ft laces more, less even, mine is fine bubbles only
Aroma nearly identical, malty, my hops are earthier, ft is more fruity
Mouth feel, mine is more chunky, ft is almost watery, filtered?
Flavor, both malty with light hops, mine is yeasty-pepper banana, ft is fruity-pears
Finish ft is clean, fruity ester, hops not really apparent. All malt, clean. Mine finishes with slight earthy hops, malt bitterness, yeast.
To get closer, mash lower temp, up Vienna drop Munich, american hops (cascades) early in boil. Need us-05, fresh, at about 65-70 df.
Mine is better, stop trying to copy ft.