Sunday, June 28, 2015

Batch 115 Pliney Dark

3 gallons

6 lbs 10 oz Munton's Maris Otter
9.6 oz MFB caramel 120
1/2 tsp gypsum

SRM 16

Mash 70 mins @ 152 df, pH 4.6

Boil 90 mins
90 mins 1.75 oz Columbus 15.9%aa 182 IBUs?
45 mins 10.5 gr Columbus 15.9%aa 29 IBUs?
30 mins 1/2 oz Simcoe 12.3%aa 29 IBUs?
Flameout 1/2 oz Centennial 8.7%aa
Flameout 1-1/4 oz Simcoe 12.3%aa

240 IBUs?

OG into fermenter 1.066, 73% bhe, add 6 oz sugar to get 1.072.

Pitch with w1084 in 2/3 qt starter at 67 df, leave at 67 df.

Rack to secondary 7/3, dry hop with 1/2 oz each Simcoe, Centennial, Columbus.  Leave at 68 df.

Dry hop 3.5 gr each Columbus, Centennial, Simcoe 7/13.  

Bottle 7/17 with 80 gr table sugar, yield 336 oz, 2.9 vols co2.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Pending beers to make

Pending schedule

PQ to bottle 6/19
Pils to start lagering around 7/4, lager until 8/21
6/27 Pliney the Elder Clone with W1084, bottle 7/16
7/4 Saison, bottle 7/23
Vacation 7/23-8/15
8/22 Start Oktoberfest
8/29 Porter(?) with W1469

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Batch 114 Pilsner

5 gallons

8 lbs avangard pils
1/2 lb best malz Vienna
1/4 lb best malz dark Munich
1 tsp gypsum


Mash 150 df 70 mins

Boil 90 mins

60 mins 10 gr German northern Brewer 9.6%aa, 14 IBUs
60 mins 10 gr sorachi ace 11.9%aa, 17 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
5 mins 1-1/2 oz hallertau mittelfruh 3.2%aa, 4 IBUs

35 IBUs

OG into fermenter 1.058 at 4.5 gals, add 1/2 gal water to get 1.052 at 5 gals, 79% bhe.

Pitch @ 60 df with w2278 in 2 Qts 2 stage starter, leave at 55 df.

Rack to secondary 6/24, rest at 68 df for 2 days, move to 65 df chamber 6/26.  Drop 5 df per day until 40 df.

Bottle 8/19 with 95 gr table sugar, yield 624 oz, 2.7 vols co2.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Batch 107 Stout tasting notes

Cellar temp

Pours very deep red, clear, big tan foam that effervesces, stays, laces

Aroma dark caramel chocolate, hint of coffee, subtle earth hop

Mouthfeel, moderate to heavy, roasty coating, carb is too lively

Flavor coffee roast mainly with slight sweet malty edge, light astringency around the edges but not overwhelming or annoying.  Nice crisp bitterness at end.

Finish, roasty coating cut by hop bitterness.

Overall, more of a robust porter than a stout, really lacking the tooth/depth of a stout.  Fairly pleasant, but has an odd edge on the roast, hard to pinpoint, possibly dirty yeast, more likely just the roast flavors.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Batch 106 Witbier tasting notes


Pours hazy light yellow, moderate white head, steady carb flowing

Light malt aroma, orange peel, sweet spice

Mouthfeel light and tingly, very light body, slight coating at end

Flavor big citrus up front, earthy dirty in the middle snuffs out malt flavor, strong bitter edge at back not necessarily hops, more orange peel.

Finish orange peel bitterness.

Overall, very similar to last 2 efforts, I think yeast needs to be pitched.  Needs more body and hop flavor.  Orange peel is annoying.