5 gallons
7.25 lbs bm Vienna
1 lb wey boh pils
6 oz bm dark Munich
6 oz mfb car120
1 tsp cacl
1 lb wey boh pils
6 oz bm dark Munich
6 oz mfb car120
1 tsp cacl
Mash 140 df 20 mins, 150 df 40 mins
Boil 75 mins
75 mins 7 gr Columbus @ 15.6%aa, 14 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
15 mins 1 oz saaz @ 3.6%aa, 7 IBUs
5 mins 1 oz mt hood @ 5.5%, 4 IBUs
75 mins 7 gr Columbus @ 15.6%aa, 14 IBUs
15 mins 1 tsp Irish moss
15 mins 1 oz saaz @ 3.6%aa, 7 IBUs
5 mins 1 oz mt hood @ 5.5%, 4 IBUs
25 IBUs
OG 1.052 into fermenter, 5 gallons, 79% BHE. Add 1 qt water to get 1.050.
Abv est 5.0%
Pitch at 53 df on 8/3 with w2633 in 2 Qts 2 stage starter, run primary at 50 df. Going at about 10 seconds on 8/5; same on 8/12. 8/16 up to 30 seconds.
Rack to secondary 8/17, turn down to 46 df. Turn down 2 df per day until 34 df.
Bottle 9/23/14 with 60 gr table sugar, yield 624 oz, 2.5 vols co2.