This is just my brewing notebook, which works better than my old spiral. I have no other motivation for keeping this.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Batch 61 APA tasting notes
Taste cold
Pours nice orange amber, cloudy, generous tan head that laces, stays intact.
Aroma - citrus orange peel, slight malt undertone, slight sweet pine tar
Mouth feel - medium body, heavily carbed, gives impression of light body. Not clingy at all.
Flavor - tar hops up front, sweet malt a little too subdued for the hops, dry impression.
Finish - Dry, clean feel, cleansing, almost mediciny. Leaves noticeable hop bitterness that is not annoying.
Overall - Not bad for a hop dump, should add more character to the malt with more amber or munich. Carb is pretty good for this one. Could use brighter hops at the end (I recall when it was younger, it was more fresh hop flavors, spice). Fairly pleasant beverage, hard to ID where the tar comes from, suspect the challenger hops used for dry hopping at pitch, although northdowns in secondary could be the culprit.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Batch 71 Dubbel Wit
2 lbs flaked wheat
1 lb best malz dark Munich
4 oz mfb caramel 120
4 oz gwm vienna
4 oz mfb kiln amber
2 oz dingemanns chocolate
1/2 tsp cacl
30 mins 8 oz dark brown sugar, 8 oz white table sugar
15 mins 1/2 tsp Irish moss
20 mins 7 gr northdown 7.0%aa, 6 IBUs
Flameout 14 gr saaz 3.0%aa, 1 IBU
Bottle 4/11/14 with 100 gr table sugar, yield 30@12oz, 360 oz, 2.8 gals, 3.2 vols co2.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Batch 70 Robust Porter
2.75 lbs muntons Maris otter
1 lb best malz dark Munich
8 oz mfb caramel 120
8 oz flaked wheat
4 oz dingemanns chocolate
4 oz carafa 1 steeped for 4 hours at room temp, tea added at first wort
1/4 tsp soda
15 mins 1/2 tsp Irish moss
10 mins 1 oz mt hood 5.5% 14 IBUs
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Batch 62 fennel wit tasting notes
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Batch 59 Porter tasting notes
Cellar temp.
Pours huge head, way too much.
Really nice deep red color, very clear, tan head that laces OK.
Aroma roast vanilla, nice floral accent.
Mouth feel very thick. Very very thick. Doesn't coat, heavy carb cleanses, too much.
Flavor is chocolate, sweet but not cloying, with a nice toasted malt accent that is not astringent. Slight fresh hop floral taste, kind of earthy.
Finish, clean, but primarily from high carbonation, hop bittering in background, leaves a sweetness behind. Not dry.
Overall, too much carbonation, but that helps with the heavy body. Malt flavor profile is ideal, could mash at lower temp, and bump aroma hops. Bittering is about right. Almost stouty, but just shy.
Next weekend
Need tasting notes for last batch.
Note to self: make porter tasting notes tonight. As I recall, last batch was pretty good, not a lot of room for improvement.
I have brewers gold and mt hood hops in stock.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Batch 69 Nut Brown
1.75 lbs TFS golden promise
8 oz mfb caramel 120
4 oz flaked wheat
4 oz mfb kiln amber
2 oz dingemanns chocolate
No salts
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
For this coming weekend
Maybe I'll throw in a little flaked wheat, in place of the oatmeal.
Funny how things converge.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Batch 60 dubbel tasting notes
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Batch 68 Pious Quad
Adapted from a recipe from saq on homebrewtalk, a 'westy 12 clone'
8 oz German dark Munich
6 oz mfb caramel 120
4 oz mfb kiln amber
1 1/2 oz Belgian chocolate
1/2 tsp cacl
90 mins add 3/4 lb brown sugar, 1/4 lb table sugar
80 mins 1/2 oz tettnanger 3.9%aa, 12 IBUs (4-5 mo oldies from Jody's fridge)
30 mins 5 gr nugget 13.5%aa, 11 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 oz northdown, 7%aa, 10 IBUs
15 mins 1/2 tsp Irish moss
3/4/14 pm still at 72 df, move up to 72 df area. 3/5/14 am still at 72 df, put blanket on. 3/5/14 pm activity slowed a lot at 72 df, move to 78 df. 3/6/14 am showing 78 df, move to 72 df with blanket.